-The voices-

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Adorable Art by: frixska on Instagram

Requested: no
Character: Wilbur soot
Setting: Wilburs bedroom, school, no specific amount of time
Ages: Wilbur soot- 16, others- not mentioned

A/n: 200 reads pog!!

Possible triggers:
•Mentions of self harm
•Mentions of ED

A/n: before we start, bold is Wilbur responding to the voice in his own head. Italics mean the voice is talking. Normal text is Wilbur thinking to himself or talking irl.

|*~Wilbur's POV (3rd person)~*|

It was very early in the morning but Wilburs thoughts had kept him up. They don't care about you, why would they? there's nothing wrong with you. He sighed. See your fine.

Wilbur pulled down his sleeves revealing the scars he had made a few days ago. if you can even call them that. He gently ran his finger across the uneven skin. Of course like usual, you got scared. "But it hurt." That was the point. "But I don't want to be hurt." Then why did you do it in the first place? "You told me to!" Wilbur whisper yelled back to the voice.

It was for your own good. Besides it was your choice to actually do it. He sighed in defeat."I guess your right." Good. I'm only trying to help you, you know."I know."

That being said, why have you been denying my requests for you to skip meals? "Because eating is good?" Not for you. All eating has done to you is make you fat.

Wilbur winced at the harsh words. He thought he was average maybe even a bit skinny for his age. But he trusted Schlatt. Schlatt is what he named the voice in his head.

He didn't know why but it just fit. Schlatt had been in his head as long as he could remember, Will was now 16. Schlatt was the only friend he ever had, and the only friend he ever needed.

Unlike Wilburs parents Schlatt cared for him. His parents weren't at home until past 12 pm and they were gone by the time he woke up. The only time he got to see his parents were on holidays, even then they would still only talk to him if necessary.

Wilburs head started pounding so he rolled over and tried to get some sleep. He didn't expect to get any after only getting about 2 hours a night, but almost instantly he drifted off.

(This time skip is sponsored by the drè smp)

Wilbur yawned as he began to wake up. Surprisingly he felt well rested but his head still felt like it was being knocked on by a small wooden mallet. He looked at the clock to see how much sleep he had gotten.

7:56 am. It read. (Random time idk)

Shoot! He overslept and it was already almost 1/3 through science class . He had set an alarm but his clock must have died and of course his parents wouldn't remind him to get up because they weren't home.

He quickly shoved his stuff into his bag and headed out the door. Following Schlatt's advice from last night, he decided not to grab anything to eat.

He ran to the school as fast as possible, he was glad that the building was only 10 minutes away.

He walked into science class halfway through the teachers lecture and everyone turned and stared at him. He was crawling in his own skin, he hated people looking at him.

"Your late, Mr.Soot." His teachers voice boomed across the classroom. Not wanting to say anything Wilbur quickly nodded and hurried to his seat.

School sucked. He wouldn't say he was being bullied but occasionally people would call him a freak. They probably called him a freak out of fear because they found him mumbling to himself (he is talking to schlatt). But Wilbur didn't mind as long as he still had Schlatt!

Schlatt would never call him a freak, Schlatt was nothing but nice to him. Hey kid. Speaking of Schlatt. "Kid? Aren't we the same age?" Wilbur laughed in his head. Yeah but I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. He blankly said.

"Im a man!" Wilbur tried defending. Look back at all those times you cried because some kid didn't want to talk to you, and tell me that again Wilbur. "Yeah. I guess your right, like usual." He sighed, he was in a worse mood than when Schlatt first said hello a minute ago. He frowned at that. I'm a bad friend aren't I? Schlatt didn't do anything I'm just a bad person for not being happy when he talks to me, he's just trying to help right?

"Wilbur! Pay attention." My teacher snapped at me. I heard a few kids snicker in the back. "Sorry miss." He replied.

(Another time skip, sponsored by ghostbur (: )

Wilbur started heading home after the bell rung signaling it was the end of the school day. He was bored walking home so he decided to talk to Schlatt. He felt guilty about before so he would talk to Schlatt now to reassure himself he didn't not want to talk to him, he just wasn't in the mood for conversation at the time.

"Schlatt?" The boy asked no response. "Hello Schlatt, you there?" He questioned again starting to worry. Schlatt was always there, he didn't leave Wilbur, did he? Was it because he's a bad person? He didn't mean anything by it! He didn't mean to make Schlatt leave! He felt a tear streak down his face. His only friend had left him.

He had only just realized he made it to his front door when he bumped into it. Wilbur unlocked the door and went straight to his bedroom. He cried for what felt like forever, that was until he heard a familiar voice.

Geez, you really are that weak. He jumped not even processing what Schlatt had said, just happy he was back. "Sc-schlatt your back, thank goodness! I'm s-sorry, Im so so s-so sorry. P-please don't leave me again." Tears streaming down Wilburs face again.

That was your punishment, I heard what you thought. About not wanting to talk to me... that made me very sad. He said in the fakest sounding sad voice anyone could possibly use. But Wilbur didn't notice nor did he care, he was just happy Schlatt had returned.

"I didn't mean it! I was just tired." I know that's a lie Wilbur. I know everything that goes on inside your head. "I know, I'm a horrible person. I don't deserve you Schlatt. You are so nice to me. Why don't you run away like the other kids?"

Because if I left you wouldn't have anyone to keep you in line. If I were gone you would have no one to make sure you did what you were supposed to. "T-thank you, I don't know where I would be without you Schlatt!"

"By the way, where do you go when you aren't talking to me?" That's not important. He said rather harshly. "Sorry, shouldn't have asked." Wilbur mumbled out, looking at the floor.

Truth is, Schlatt had also been in someone else's head. A certain piglins head to be exact.

To be... continued...

1214 words

Thank you for reading! I hope this makes sense. Anyways I will be making a part 2 to this from "a certain piglins" POV.

Have some blue 💙💙💙
I love you! <3
And I hope you have a good day/night/whatever time of the day it is for you (:

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