D R U N K / F L I R T

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They say that friends are the ones who will always be there for you, Fox didn't feel this way right now though. She knew having friends would only bring her more trouble, after all, look what Charmaine had done to her. Both Roman and Lewis tried to talk to her, tried to keep up with her as she stumbled towards the free bar. She ordered herself a bottle of red wine and even though Roman tried to intervene and stop her from being served, Fox used the 'Daddy card' reminding everyone in the surrounding area who she was. 

"Come on," Lewis tried to remove the bottle from her hands as she lifted it to her lips. She snatched it back as she stared at him with a death glare. "Fox, I've known you a while now, this isn't you."

She narrowed her eyes at his words, "No one really knows me. Everyone thinks they do." She was being harsh with her words as she thought about the people in her life. She knew what people thought about her, she knew how she was perceived by the press. Sometimes she believed what they said about her, she had to remind herself that she wasn't everything they said about her. 

Roman looked at Lewis, their eyes meeting before Roman stood up. "I'm going to get your father."

"Don't ruin his evening," she told her friend. "Don't let me ruin your evening. I'm more than happy to be left alone to drink." There was no way Fox needed her father right now. She could only imagine what would happen if he saw her like this, if he knew what she was really like when she'd had a few drinks. "Please?"

The two lads looked down at their young friend. Lewis realised how broken she really was right then. Lewis put an arm around her left shoulder, his instincts correct when she put her forehead on his chest before she took a deep breath to try to calm herself down. 

Fox looked up at Lewis as she shrugged his arm off her. "I'm going to be okay, you know?"

"Of course you are," the Scottish singer told his friend before giving her a small smile. He wanted to believe her but he knew at this moment in time she was lying. Eventually she would be okay, but it would take some time. "So, if you're going to get a drink, why don't we all get one?"


Most of Lando's evening had been taken up by chatting to many different people. When people started to leave for their beds, Lando scanned the outdoors looking for Fox. When he found her, she was sitting at a table with Lewis and another man. Sitting with two men didn't stop her from staring straight at Lando though. 

He looked away first, his eyes returning to his phone in his hands. He idly swiped through Instagram, something to take his mind off the blonde woman who had been watching him. 

There was a chill in the air, Lando shivered a little before he got to his feet. He finished the rest of his drink that he had before he headed in the direction of the hotel. Once he got to the doors, he was halted by someone calling out his name. Turning back, he found himself looking at the second guy Fox had been sitting with. 

"Sorry," the lad called out as he approached Lando. "Roman," he offered the F1 driver his hand. "Roman Kemp."

Lando shook his hand, "How can I help you?" He was confused by this guy approaching him, especially when he was heading in to rest. 

Roman looked back at the table where he'd been sitting, his eyes landing on the swaying Fox who was half slumped against Lewis. He took a deep breath before he returned his gaze to the Formula One driver. "Fox tells us you two are here together."

Nodding, Lando looks passed Roman. Looking at the young blonde, Lando noticed how drunk she was. He was not surprised by this, he'd read headlines about her, he knew of her reputation. "Yeah?"

Lando looked away from the table and to the man in front of him. "She's had just a little too much tonight," Roman explained as he ran his fingers through his short brown hair. "You wouldn't mind giving us a hand? You know, getting her to bed?"

Taking a deep breath, Lando looked back at Fox who was now on her feet. He noticed her stumble before being caught by Lewis as she let out a small laugh. 

"Ok," he said sounding almost defeated. 

Lando had a lot of friends and being young himself, he'd dealt with a few drunken friends. During his later teenage years, he'd started to take his career seriously, getting drunk became a thing of the past. It had been a while since he'd played the babysitter but he knew tonight would be different. 

Lewis walked Fox over to the two men, as she got closer, Lando watched Fox closely. She seemed to be faltering with every other step. Her right hand was grasping her clutch bag loosely, dropping it a few times as she crossed the field.

"Hey, Lando!" She called out to him as she got very close. Her voice sounded playful, dragging out his name as she smiled up at him. "Lando!"

The voice she used sounded cheerful but her face said otherwise. 

"Fox," he said her name quietly as he looked at her with a smile. 

He was surprised when the young blonde stumbled towards him and put her arm through his, linking them together. "So, you going to help me into bed then, Mr Norris?" She beamed up at him, a smile finally crossing her face as she attempted to flirt with him. 

How to fall in love in 7 days (Lando Norris) - COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now