S U N S E T / W O R R I E S

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Staring at the man in front of her, Fox suddenly felt the pressure of what might be the social norm. The actions the two of them were taking would usually call for a kiss and then maybe more. She knew that she wanted more than that, if she kissed him now would she regret it later. Lando seemed like a nice guy, he was too nice for her and she knew it. 

Fox knew that she would ruin his life. She was good at that.

"So, what did you want to show me?" The blonde was quick to speak ruining whatever might have happened between them. 

He turned his head and looked out to the ocean. Fox followed his lead, her head turning before she saw the setting sun on the horizon. The colours were beautiful, the pinks, oranges and reds that swirled in the sky and made amazing patterns. Her mouth fell open a little as she looked at the scene, it was breathtaking. 

Taking a deep breath, Fox realised that her life hadn't been this simple in a while. 

Everything in Fox's life was all go go go. She couldn't remember the last time she just sat down with anyone and just did nothing, just took in her surroundings. All of her friends liked a good time but no one wanted to just chill, not like that. 

"You like it then?" Lando asked as he looked at her face. 

She nodded as she looked at him with a big smile on her lips. "It's beautiful," she admitted as she stared at him. "It's amazing," the words came out quietly before giving him a simple smile. "Why have you brought me here?" The young woman never thought she was worth much, no one had ever brought her anywhere to just watch the sunset. 


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.


Why did he bring Fox here? He'd always wanted to bring someone here, to just enjoy the moment with him but he'd imagined it would be someone who he was close to. When he decided to bring Fox here, it just felt right, like it was meant to be. 

"I thought you could do with some cheering up," he told her before he gave a little awkward nod. He couldn't read her, he didn't know what was on her mind, what she was thinking and how she felt about the situation. "Anyway," he was quick to try to move on from talking about it.

He looked at her face, she was quiet as they looked at each other. He wondered if she knew how beautiful she really was, the way she looked was perfect to Lando and the longer he spent with her, the more he wanted to get to know her. 

She turned her head first, her eyes looking at the scene as the sun made its decent. "I'm glad you did," her words were quiet almost as if she didn't want him to hear them as she put her head on his shoulder and just enjoyed the view. 

Lando didn't pay much attention to the sunset, instead he was thinking about the young woman. She hadn't admitted much about if she was in a relationship or not but her actions told him that she wasn't. The limited words of the subject suggested to Lando that she was either comfortable being single or she had just come out of a relationship. She was only young, he guessed it was the first option considering the headlines he had read about her. He looked down at her, she looked innocent, like she wasn't the same person who had caused all those headlines. 

Choosing to ignore those sorts of things, Lando smiled before he put an arm around her, his hand loosly resting on her waist. She didn't flinch nor pull away, he took this as it was okay to keep his position which he did until the natural light from the sun disappeared. 

"We should make a move," Lando was quick to take his hand back and move away from her almost letting her fall to the ground. He stood up before watching her get to her feet, "We're going to be so late tonight." Not wanting to hang around and talk about the moment they had shared, Lando started to walk ahead of her towards the car. 

Inside he felt almost guilty for being so quick to get out of there but he just wasn't comfortable talking about things. He listened as she trailed behind him, her feet shuffling in the sand before the sound changed to the path that lead to the carpark. 

Once he got into the car, he started to the engine letting the music start before he turned it up a little as Fox got into the vehicle. He started to drive as soon as the door closed behind her, he knew he needed to get to the hotel and get into bed avoiding any questions she might have. It was just easier that way. 

Lando glanced over at her once they were on the main road. Fox had pulled her sleeves over her hands as she sat with her hands awkwardly in her lap as she stared out of the passenger side window. He wondered if she was deep in thought, if she had questions or if she just didn't have any thing at all to say. Turning his attention back to the road, he tried to concentrate on the direction of travel knowing he had to make up the time he had lost by stopping. 

When Lando pulled at the hotel, he glanced over at the young woman

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

When Lando pulled at the hotel, he glanced over at the young woman. She was fast asleep, he'd noticed her fall asleep not long after leaving Monaco but he'd chosen to leave her. Now he knew he had to wake her. Getting out of the car, he grabbed both their bags from the boot before walking around to her side and opening the door. 

"Fox," he touched her shoulder as he spoke her name gently, "Fox?"

Her eyelids fluttered as she looked at him, "Hmm?" She sounded half asleep as she made a noise, half a smile creeping across her lips. 

"We're here," he told her as he stepped back. 

Nodding her head, she snuggled back into herself as her eyes closed again. Taking a deep breath, Lando let out a sigh. He needed her to help him, "You have to get up." He spoke in a soft manner as he lightly pushed on her shoulder. "Fox?"

Opening her eyes again, she looked at him as they widened. "I'm up," she mumbled as she reached for her seatbelt. Stepping away from her, Lando waited as she got out of the vehicle and locked it once she closed the door. "Do you have my bag?"

He offered it to her, "Sorry. I thought I would be prepared." 

Taking her bag, he noticed she smiled before slinging it over her shoulder. "Lets go check out another room," he laughed before walking ahead again. 

Once checked in, the two young people headed to the room which was reserved for them. The woman on reception had told them that they were fully booked due to Gumball and someone was begging for their room which she was going to give away if they didn't turn up in the hour. Lando was glad she didn't, he needed some sleep before the next day. 

Entering the room, he let Fox enter first and she let out a sigh. He followed her before seeing there was only one bed in the room, a large double bed in the middle of the room. "I guess we shared a bed last night," she tried to make light of the situation they found themselves in. 

Lando bit his lip before putting his bag down on the floor. "It's only one night," he said probably more to himself. "I'll take this side," he motioned the side closer to the door before looking at the blonde. 

"Okay," she walked around to the other side of the bed before putting her bag on the bed. "I'm just going to grab a quick shower," she got her stuff out of her bag before going into the bathroom leaving Lando alone for a while. #

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