34- Chapter 5

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Inspired by Jamie Dornan

The brotherhood
Someone by Michael Schulte


Inspired by younger Walker Scobell

The unforgettable loving one
I get to love you by Ruelle


Inspired by Melanie Scrofano

The straightforward one
You can't stop the girl by Bebe Rexha


Camilla's POV

She'd been gone for ages. And every-time she had a one night stand with another girl, I had seen it. Every news report had her with another girl on it. Because she was a Monaco, the paparazzi followed her everywhere when she was out of her home town. No one cared as much about her here to go and follow her around, unless they were trying to kill her.

Every step she took, I knew about it.

Every thing she bought, I knew about it.

Every girl she fucked, I knew about it.

It was disgusting and horrible to sit here and watch. She's there parading around with all these women when she'd specifically said in the letter she wanted me to be her wife. How fucking disgusting can she get. She's unbelievable. I felt like I was being cheated on. Yes, I had done it with one guy. But I thought she was dead. There's a difference. She knew I was living and well. I had gotten my hopes up at the fact that maybe this was the beginning of her forgiving me, but the line stops when she goes and sleeps with millions of other women when surely she knew that I would see it. If she's trying to make me jealous then it's bloody working.



Charlie's POV

I was startled awake by my phone ringing on my bedside table. I grabbed it and pressed all over the screen trying to answer the bloody thing.

"Yes?" I sighed once I'd finally found the button.

"It's me Charlie." It was Rick, my old boss.

"Rick it's so good to hear from you."I said happily.

"It's great to talk to you too Charlie, but you have to come back to England, the judge accepted your father's plea to go to trial." He said seriously.

"Oh."I said.

How could he do that. He was fine in prison, I had still visited him every two months and he seemed settled in, he still had the respect of the mafia as none of them knew what he was actually in for.

Even though I had taken over, I had not once mentioned my dad's wrong doings. It wouldn't benefit anyone, and now he goes and speaks up that he's not guilty?Unbelievable.

"Charlie?" Rick's voice rang through the phone.

"Yeah, sorry, I'll tell Sophia to cancel any plans I have for the next month or so." I finalised.

We said bye and I was left, thinking about how my own dad could lie about doing something so horrible to me after he had basically begged for my forgiveness.

Sophia was my secretary, she planned meetings and everything. I wasn't all too bothered about the criminal side of things, my mafia was more about protecting the innocent.

I know that I wasn't allowed to take over the mafia until I was married, but when people heard about my dad being in prison they had no other choice than to let me.

We were all about following the law. However, if we had to bend the law to serve justice to people, then there's no two ways that we would. Yeah, I admit we do have a few illegal business's, but it's not all about that. It's a family, and if some of your family members enjoy illegally selling drugs etc, then I'm not one to stand in the way, but just because they're involved in it doesn't mean I'd do it too. If they got caught red handed then I wouldn't help them out, and they know that. If they were wrongly arrested then yes, I'd get them out, but if they're out there on their wrong doings then that's their problem not mine.

We are very loyal, and even if someone got sent down for being guilty, it'd be because they pleaded it and admitted to what they did, not because they were proved guilty. If they said they weren't guilty then they weren't. And that's how it is. We all trusted each-other here.

I had gangs all over the world running by this rule, and so far, it's the best the mafia has been. The heads of those gangs met up with me once a month to discuss what we would do and they all were genuinely nice people that I'd known from when I was younger.

I headed into the shower and finished my morning routine within ten minutes of being up. I was in a hurry. The phone call had startled me, shook me even.

I couldn't believe it.

I rushed to Headquarters to find Sophia.
Once I made it there, many people greeted me and I hurriedly replied as nicely as I could, to not seem rude but they all seemed to understand that I was busy.

I rushed up the stairs, considering there were so many people waiting to use the lift. I was panting when I made it to the top and slammed myself against Sophia's desk, scaring the living daylights out of her.

She looked up to me, smiling amusedly. Me and Sophia were actually best-friends. So she wasn't just my secretary, but we had a serious relationship when we needed one.

"How come you're in a hurry boss?" She asked, getting formal.

"Cancel everything for the next month, my dad's taking me to trial." I said, my mood souring towards the end.

She tapped my hand and nodded, a sign of understanding.

"You'll be alright Char."she said calmly.

She rushed to write an apology to everyone we were set to meet and gave them the true explanation of why it was cancelled.

"Right, I've told them all why you're on temporary leave and also said to them to bare with you, but they all understood and said that if you needed anyone's legal help, to get in touch with any of them. They want to help you fight your dad." She explained.

I nodded and picked up the phone on her desk to call my right hand man, my new right hand man anyway. Jake.

"J, I need you to pack my bags and yours, we are going to England, I'll explain everything on the plane." I said and ended the call after he agreed to meet me at the airport. We would have security with us anyway but I just needed my closest people with me to get through what might or might not happen.


Well well well ?
Maybe trusting her dad wasn't the right thing after all.


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