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Camilla's POV


She kissed me. She. Kissed. Me. And I hadn't stopped her. I hadn't moved away. And I had only slapped her after she moved back. What the fuck was wrong with me? I wasn't like this, I wasn't this vulnerable.

I hadn't seen Charlie after the kiss. I hadn't gone to the hospital to see her, she was meant to be my bodyguard but I was doing as much as possible to ignore her and completely stay out of her line of sight anywhere I went. I knew she'd not long got out of hospital, but I had tried to stay away from her in any situation I could.

I had stayed at home, as she had said that I should do. What was I doing with myself. But there was a party. And I'm one hundred percent sure she would be there as it was the only thing Jack had been talking about for the past two weeks.


Charlie's POV

It had been three weeks since I'd been discharged from the hospital, and also around three weeks since I'd seen Camilla. Baxter was doing his job better than I thought he would, which might be the reason why she hadn't visited me, because she was basically on house arrest.

This evening, we were hosting a charity ball. The big fancy things where rich people raise money for charity. Or in some cases, the big fancy things where rich people raise money for themselves, but ours was completely for charity. And that's all happening in about -half an hour and I was just getting ready. The Henderson's were invited and unfortunately for me so was my dad. I hadn't even looked in his direction since the argument, he didn't deserve my attention

 I hadn't even looked in his direction since the argument, he didn't deserve my attention

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"Charlie, come on, everyone's coming in."Jack shouted from outside my bedroom door.
"Are you trying to turn me straight." he said teasingly.

I playfully smacked him around the head and grabbed onto his arm. Me and Jack had always gone together to prove the friendship between the Monaco's and the Henderson's.

We walked down the stairs and were greeted by hundreds of people sat waiting for the bidding to start, but most likely waiting for the after ball. I looked around and caught the eyes of Camilla. She looked away immediately and I couldn't help but feel disgusted with myself for doing that to her.

"Trouble in paradise." Jack asked.

"I kissed her." I mumbled still loud enough for him to hear.

"You did what!"he shrieked gathering the attention of the people around us. I smacked him and smiled apologetically to the people who all seemed to find it amusing.

"I know, I feel so bad, she slapped me after, I'm planning on apologising later." I shrugged and ignored further conversation about it.

"Ugh okay."he gave in. I smiled victoriously and led him from person to person greeting them.

We eventually made it to the Henderson's and the rest of my family. My family meaning my mum and my dad.

"Charlie how are you?"Mr Henderson questioned.

"I'm very good sir, how are you?"I forced out, I loved this man like my own father but I just wasn't in the mood to talk. He must have sensed this as he smiled warmly towards me and nodded his head, allowing us to sit down until the bidding started.

"Talk to me after Charlie, yes?" Mr Henderson said, and by his tone I knew it wasn't about that, at least not completely. I nodded and then took my seat.

I ended up in between Camilla and my dad.

I shot a suspicious glare at my mum but received a shake of the head, meaning it wasn't her. I mouthed who and she pointed towards my father.

I shook my head bitterly and focused my attention on the bidding. There were gold necklaces, rings and everything going. But I was looking for a specific duo, the two infinity necklaces.

I wanted them, a lot. I saw two women have them when I was younger, they both owned a business together. The story behind it was that, before they became the CEO's, they were both in fact Queens. Now obviously when you're a queen you can't do anything, you have limitations. But these women, they wanted more, they wanted to lead a life that they wanted. But let alone that, they also fell in love, now the sad thing about it is that they died, but they died together. They loved each other till then end. Through thick and thin, they left their lives, changed them, and lived. They lived. And that's all I ever want. To really live.

A couple hours had passed and still no sign of the necklaces. I gave up hope as we reached the end of the auction and just forgot about them. No use dwelling.

It was now time to eat. I wasn't hungry. We took our seats around the table, Mr and Mrs Henderson sitting together, my mum and dad sitting together ( which I did not expect at all), then there was me next to Mrs Henderson, Jack on my other side, and Camilla in between Jack and my dad. The only logical explanation for Mum and Dad to seem visibly tolerable of one another would be because of our image. Couldn't let anyone think the marriage that made the Mafia had broken now could we?

"What do you want honey?" Mrs Henderson asked me.

"I'll just take a Coke please." I said, quietly.

"What no food?" She questioned.

"No thank you." I smiled genuinely towards her and watched the interaction between her and my parents as they silently talked through their eyes.

My mother looked at me with worried eyes and I shook my head, not wanting to talk about it.

"Shall we take a walk now Charlie?" Mr Henderson spoke up, rising from his seat to come and take mine out for me. Always the gentleman.

"Of course."

We made it through the hall, offering smiles and waves at the few people who signalled towards us. But we didn't stop, we had somewhere to be, clearly.

"I know what Camilla did to you wasn't nice, but please don't quit. I only trust you to do this for her." He pleaded.

"I don't plan on it." I said, defeated.

I couldn't quit. I really couldn't. It wasn't even an option. I had to give my life if it meant keeping Camilla alive. I was her bodyguard after all.

"Good, thank you. Listen, I know you've got trouble with your dad, but never lose something you believe in. You have your ways and he has his, don't be blindsided by his need for you to follow in his footsteps."

"I don't intend to sir, you know I never have."

"Always the rebellious one, sometimes I wish Camilla was a little bit more defiant. It would have gave her a better understanding as to why you try so hard to fight for yourself." He said, patting my arm and then leaving to sit down, in which I followed. I took my place and was once again brought back into Camilla's world.

I was nervous. I was nervous about how the rest of the night would go with Camilla ignoring me and me needing for her not to.

But ... why was I so nervous. I didn't love her. I like her. I like everything about her.
Her smile. Her eyes. The way she has a different expression to what she give off in her eyes. Her eyes are the key to her soul. And her soul is the key to her heart.

Oh. Love. I love her. I love Camilla Henderson. But surely not. Not yet. No.

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