Sick Day

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2 months later, December.
Lyric POV

"You have no damn sense! You realize that right?!" I laugh.
"Whatever mama, you love it!" Maverick smiles at me.

My phone starts ringing and when I finally fish it out my purse I start cursing up a storm!

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"
"What's wrong, Lyric?"

"Hi, how may I help you?"
"Hi Ms. Fyre, this is Ms. Plumberry the school nurse."
"Uh, yes hi, how are you?"
"I'm doing well thank you, but I'm afraid my handsome little London isn't doing so well."
"Oh my goodness, what happened?" My voice strained with worry.
"Oh no sweetheart, physically he's fine, but he's running a high temp and Ms. Honeysuckle said he threw up before he got here."
"Oh God! How's he doing now?"

"His medicine sheet said we were allowed to give him Tylenol so I did to break the fever. Mr.Handsome may have the flu. It's flu season. Has he had the flu vaccine?"
"No, his appointment is next week for it."
"Well cancel that because he has to be fully recovered before they will give him the vaccine, if that's what you and dad choose to do."

"We'll discuss it, but can I come get him?"
"Of course, we actually recommend it. He'll be asleep in my office, ok?"
"Yes ma'am I should be there in about 25 minutes."
"Ok, perfect see you then, sweetheart. Bye-bye."
"Thank you, bye." I sigh deeply, knowing this is about to get horrible.

 I turn to Maverick, "Baby I need you to take me somewhere immediately."
"Of course mama, where?" He asks concern woven on his beautiful facial features. "That phone call seemed serious, what's wrong?"
"That's where you gotta take me. It's over by Chelsea Piers, off the West side highway. 135 103rd St." I only give him the address and not the name because I'm internally losing my mind.

When we finally pull up in front of the Montessori Academy my breath gets caught in my throat, along with my thumping heart.

"Lyric why are we at an academy for kids?" He squints at me.
Unable to answer I start opening the door," I'll be right back."

I jump out and close the door before he can ask anymore questions.

"Hello, I'm London Fyre's mother Lyric. Ms.Plumberry called me because he's sick."
"Ok honey, sign him out and you can go get him from the Nurse's office. You know where that is right?"
"Yes ma'am." My hand absolutely shaking as I sign him out. I grab my little guy and head to Maverick's car. 

Opening the door I put him inside. I lay him down and snap him in, all the while avoiding the death glare Maverick is giving me. Closing the backdoor I breath deeply before opening the passenger door. Hanging my head and still avoiding eye contact from Maverick.

 I squeak out,"Can you take me to my house, please?"
"WWOOOOOWW, shorty! You really gonna put a little baby in the back of my car, not address him, and then ask me to drop you off? Lyric, what the fuck?!

I just look at my hands.

"Answer me! What the actual fuck?!" He demands. "Who is that?!"
"London." I damn near whisper as my chest tightens.
"Fuck outta here! That's why London is one of your 'off limits' topics?!"
"Whose baby is that, Lyric?!"
I really feel like he knows, he just wants me to say it. "He's my son, Maverick." I pull at the ends of my hair nervously.

"WOW! You have had a hidden son all this fuckin time?! That's rich, shorty!" He shakes his head while doing a shitty little chuckle.

"How old is he?"
"Shit! You had him at 16?!"

Thanks for the fucking math lesson Einstein! "Yes."
"Goddamn! Who's his dad, Lyric?"
"Can I please take him home, he doesn't feel good?"


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