"The Flames of the Wild Fyre" Prologue

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"Yeah just like that! Uhh harder! Keep going!"He moans.
"Bitch who told you to stop?!" He screams at me.
"This is-. I don't want to do this. Its wrong!" I sniffle out. "Oww, you're hurting me!" Crying out as he pulls me up by my hair to look him in those dead cold blue eyes.
"Its whatever I tell you it is Lyric! Do you fuckin hear me?!"
"Yes, Rowan." Replying as tears pour down my face, as my soul seems to flow with them.

"Good girl, now get back down on those knees and suck 'til I tell you to stop or you taste my nut!" He screams as he pushes me down again. "Stop all that fuckin whimpering too, you're killing my wood!" He reprimands me as he slaps my face. I try my hardest to stifle my cries and not gag.

"Fuck you're good at this! All that practice finally paid off! Ahh!" He moans as he thrusts violently into my mouth.
My mind is racing as my heart numbs. "Where are his parents? Why do they always leave me with him? God please someone help me."
Pleading with the universe or some all powerful being to end my personal hell on earth.

"Stand up NOW!" he commands as he  pulls himself from my mouth. Standing and trying not to continue crying as he stares holes into my very existence.
"You're so beautiful Lyric, you know that? That beautiful brown sugar skin. You want me to taste it again?" He smirks looking like Lucifer himself.

"No Rowan please! I don't want to do this. You're supposed to be my big brother. This-. This is wrong!" I plead with him as my heart thumps in my chest, as I try to reason with him.

"We're not really siblings Lyric. You know that. My parents are just fostering you since your parents died! Baby you're like a live in girlfriend, if that!" he shrugs smugly.
"Rowan please! I've been with you guys since I was 11, please!" I say backing away from him, only to be grabbed and pushed to his bed.
Yes, Rowan Marks is my 19 year old foster brother, he has been for the past 4 years. Everything started wonderfully with the Marks family. I was placed here when my parents got killed 4 years ago on New Years Eve by a drunk driver coming home from their annual New Years Eve party. My father and Carlton Marks were best friends and business partners. I've known them since I was 6 and that includes their psychotic son Rowan.
They were devastated with my parents' passing and fought to foster me. Both my parents were only children, and I their only child. I wouldn't have been had the accident never happened, my mother was 6 months pregnant with my little brother. Life snatched them from my grasp while shoving me into the hands of a molester in the form of Rowan Marks. He's been progressively getting worse with our "bonding time" since I hit full puberty at 13.

"I love the way you beg Lyric.Mmm!" He smiles although his soul is void of any true emotion other than depravity.
"I'm going to make you a true woman tonight."
"Rowan, please. I promise I haven't told anyone. I swear!" Its true I haven't said anything, no one knows. How could I, no one would believe me. To society Rowan Marks is perfect; light skin, blue eyes, standing 6'2. He is the only child of a prominent black business man Carlton Marks and his mother a high powered corporate attorney Olivia Marks is from old Anglo Saxton Long Island money. He's smart, charming, and charismatic; every girls dream and my worse nightmare.
"I know, my little girl's been so good keeping her mouth closed, especially around my dick." He tosses his head back and moans as he strokes his fully erect penis. "I won't be too rough. Its gonna feel amazing....at least for me!" He takes methodic steps towards me as I feel bile rising in my throat, I'm going to be sick.

"Ro-. Rowan no, no, no!" Pulling my knees to my chest and pushing as far into the corner as I can  my futile efforts only make him chuckle sadistically. He latches his hand around my ankle and snatches me towards him. Pushing and kicking as hard as I can to get away from him. This only fuels his lust and rage as he backhands me. Soon follows the metallic taste of blood in my mouth as his hand curls around my throat.

"Keep still bitch before I kill you!" He seethes through gritted teeth.
He reaches under my night shirt and pulls my panties off as I gasp for air. Clawing at his wrist, all the while as my tears flow nonstop.
"The more you struggle, the more I'm going to shred your insides." He threatens as he licks the entire side of my face.
"Your tears are sweet little Fyre, but not as sweet as your little virgin pussy, that I'm going to ruin!"

My legs are shut as tightly as a padlock door while I flail my arms to release my throat and get Rowan off of me. Struggling unsuccessfully, I feel heat and see a white flash. He's struck me in the face to halt my thrashing.

"I told you to STOP BITCH!"
He smashes his lips to mine and bites my bottom lip causing me to whimper in pain. The pain and throbbing is nothing compared to the pain I now feel in my aching core as Rowan slams his fully erect penis into me over and over again. I am lost for words, I lay there as if I am dead because that is how I truly feel. My insides hollow and empty. I thought the night I lost my parents was the worst night of my life, but compared to tonight that night seems like a walk in the park.

"Fuck my good little girl is so tight and wet for me. I knew your sexy little body wanted my dick, Lyric!" He moans to me.
Tuning him out by reciting my chemistry formulas and the elements of the periodic table, to remove myself from this hell. My insides feel like someone has poured lava into them; it hurts worse with each thrust. I feel the blood trickling from my ruined innocence. Laying as still as possible, as tears slide down my cheeks and pool at the side of my face.

" Moan for me baby, let me know it feels as good for you as it does for me!" He coaxes me as I continue to lay vocally, emotionally, and soulfully void, as he destroys my very being.
"You think you can ignore me, my sweet little girl?!" He asks before ripping my shirt up and clamping my nipple between his teeth.
"AHHHH!! PLEASE STOP ROWAN, PLEASE!!" I scream and beg as I feel the searing pain in both my core and nipple. He keeps it clamped and begins to thrust harder until he grunts and groans loudly as I feel his demon seeds pump into my annihilated body. He kisses my tear and blood soaked lips.

"God Lyric you might be the best I've ever had." He smirks and continues to kiss me, "I'll always remember our first time baby."

I will too, but for completely different reasons. He quickly and callously yanks himself from me. Looking down just long enough I see the pinkish red slick film that sheaths his penis. Its blood, my blood and his semen mixed to perfection, the perfect poison that is killing my insides. I try to sit up, but my insides are throbbing. My legs feel heavier than lead. I whince and whimper as I try to pull myself up enough to escape his room.
"Where you going baby? I want to go again. That tight little body of yours knows exactly how to squeeze every drop out of me." He kisses my lips as he wipes his member off and pulls his shorts on to leave his room.

I stifle my whimpers as I push myself to the edge of his bed and prepare myself to stand. When I will my legs to regain enough feeling I stand and feel his poison and my blood trickling down my leg. There is a huge red stain on his sheets. Going to take a step I collapse to my knees. Feeling as though I'm getting ready to pass out. Fighting through the dark spots that are trying to cloud my vision, with all my strength mustered I stand up to limp to my bathroom. Just as I reach his door he enters.
"Hey baby coming to find me?"
"I need to clean up", I reply barely above a whisper.

Looking down he sees the vile mixture running down my legs and looks over my head to the crime scene he calls a bed.
"Yeah baby, go get cleaned up and I'll change the sheets for round 2." I attempt to walk past him when he grabs my face and pulls it up to look into his soulless orbs. "You know I love you right, my little wild Fyre?"

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