Chapter 2

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Xavier's POV

"Xavier, can you go and get your dad from the book store? It's getting late now." my mum put down her phone on the table and sighed about how my dad is such a bookworm. 

My dad loves this book store for about 3 years and apparently he said that the books there were really good and he had been visiting the store ever since he retired. He had also once said that there was this girl who treats him very well, just like her own dad and wanted to introduce her to me, which I just brushed it off. I then grabbed my car keys before heading to the parking lot to retrieve my car and headed towards the book store.

Within 20 minutes, I finally reached the destination. The book store looks really small from the outside and it seems that the lights were turn off. I tried to peek from the windows to see if my dad was inside. All of a sudden, the door flung open and there it revealed my dad which made me jumped a little. 

"Hey dad, you just scared me there. Come on, let's go home now because mum's rushing you back." 

"Can I just stay for about 10 more minutes because I still have a bit more of the story left to go and I just can't leave it hanging there if not I won't be able to sleep tonight." my dad pleaded like a child wanting to get a piece of candy and wanted to turn back into the store but I grabbed hold of him and tried to drag him towards the car.

"No way dad, I promised mum to not let you win this time because it's gonna take you forever to go home. Why don't you just come back tomorrow? It's getting late now." 

Out of the blue, a woman popped out of nowhere and I felt a force against my jaw. What the hell?!? 

"What the hell do you think you are doing? Trying to kidnap an elderly? Or trying to rob the book store? Well, too bad because you aren't getting any of those tonight. You're going to rot in jail."  the woman just shouted at me for God knows what reason and I saw how she got out her phone trying to dial for someone.

Before she could make a call, I grabbed her wrist and stopped her. 

"What the fuck woman?!?!? Can you please get what's going on before running your mouth and hands off like a madwoman? And ouch fuck your punch hurts like shit for a shorty like you." I held my jaw in pain, glaring hard at the woman in front of me. She looks like at least a 5'6 and had mid length brown hair with her dark brown eyes. I would say she looks really captivating but too bad she is too loud for my liking. 

She just ignored me and turned to my dad and started checking if he was harmed in any way. What the fuck?! She thought I was some kidnapper who wanted to kidnap my own dad WOW. She's got some great sense of imagination. My dad just burst out of laughter all of a sudden and I could see confusion was written all over the woman's face and I just gave a blank face. I mean as usual dad would find this kind of situation funny, sometimes I even wonder how did he even become successful and famous when he just choose to laugh at such inappropriate times. 

He then clarified to the woman that I was actually his son and I was no kidnapper or whatsoever. I could see the woman's face turned from anger to confusion and eventually to embarrassment. Wait, come to think of it, how can she not recognise the famous Anderson? We are literally the richest in the business industry and we will often appear in the news. Does she live under the well or did she come from the outer space? 

"Umm... so I'm really sorry for punching you right in the face and talking bullshit about you but come to think of it you kinda deserved it because who told you to behave so suspiciously and grabbed Mr Anderson so harshly. You should be glad that you still get to celebrate father's day because I could have done worse." well at least she apologised and upon hearing the last part just made me glared at her even harder. She thought no one could hear. How smart.

I couldn't be bothered anymore so I went into the car and slammed the car door hard to show the woman how pissed I was. I could see from the rear view mirror how my dad was so comfortable with her that he was still laughing and talking with her which just made me rolled my eyes even more. After a while, my dad was finally done talking with the woman and came into the car which I then drove off immediately. 

When we reached home, dad was busy telling mum how I got punched by the woman and got mistaken as a kidnapper blah blah blah. I was rolling my eyes so hard that I thought my eyeballs might fall out soon.

"Right how could I be so forgetful, she was the girl that I wanted to introduce to you. Isn't she just so cute and funny but that's not all, she's really kind and friendly if you get to know her in a better way." dad was holding his stomach while laughing.

"Urgh dad no thanks, I would rather not be introduced to that kind of girl. And my jaw still hurts from that punch. Did she stuff her face with spinach that she got so much strength to punch me?" I couldn't help but to roll my eyes whenever I think of that situation. 

Without waiting for another response, I went up the stairs and headed straight towards my room.

End of chapter 2!!! Was thinking if I should make them meet again for another 2 more times and write about more funny things that could happen to Xavier whenever he meets her XD 

anyways do show some love to the book by commenting and voting!! Much love<3

How old are you guys?

Well, I'm turning 17 soon XD 

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