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3 months later....

Hailey's POV

I've been feeling like shit for about 2 weeks, with all the constant dizziness, feeling nauseous and weird cravings like wanting to eat cheese burger which I hated. I kept reminding myself to get a pregnancy test these days but I just keep forgetting, geez. 

This morning I woke up with a splitting headache and I thought my head had split open at the back for a moment. Xavier had been really busy at the company these days as he said that there was a really big investment happening in his company so he had to make sure that everything was running smoothly. 

I went to the kitchen to grab some water while trying to make breakfast for myself. However, the smell of freshly toasted bread made my bile rise up my throat and therefore I gave up on eating breakfast. I made a mental note to myself, get a pregnancy kit today.

I headed to the cafe for my shift when I suddenly felt a strong wave of dizziness swept over me, before everything in front of me went black and I could hear someone shouting out my name. 

Xavier's POV

I stretched my arms with a groan, finally done with the meeting and I could finally go home and have a nice cuddle with Hailey. I felt so bad for neglecting her these days as I had been kept up with meetings after meetings and I couldn't make out time for her. I'm planning to get her all her favourite food tonight and snacks so that we can have a movie marathon. 

My phone suddenly started ringing and I noticed that it was Hailey who was calling me. My lips instantly curved into a smile as I thought of her face. I picked up, only to realise that it wasn't her voice.

"Hello, this is Cassidy, Hailey's friend at the cafe. She's in the hospital right now because she fainted at the cafe. I need you to come here right now." my heart almost stopped beating upon hearing this piece of information. What happened to Hailey? Was she okay?

I recomposed myself before asking her where they were and hung up the call. I headed towards the carpark and sped through the road, not caring whether I would be fined or not. Screw those road traffic.

I had almost fell flat on my face when I have gotten the room number of Hailey's room. The doctor was just about to step out of the room when I ran up to him and questioned him, "How's my wife? Why did she suddenly faint? Is there anything wrong with her?" The doctor gave me a small smile before replying, "There's nothing wrong with your wife. She's 3 weeks pregnant now, congratulations. It will be normal to be experiencing dizziness as long as she have adequate amount of nutrition and rest." With that he left me and a squealing Cassidy.

I was going to be a father, fuck yes. 

2 years later...

"Ainsley, stop running and let Daddy change your diapers." I tried to chase after her but I swear she's a fast runner. And you know what's the worst part, she crawls to the tiniest and smallest places where I can't reach her. But she's just too cute for me to be frustrated at her, it's mission impossible. 

"Gosh, Xavier. I can't believe you spent 45 minutes just to put her on the bed and get her diapers changed. Come to Mummy, Ainsley." She cooled at her and Ainsley just crawled towards her within seconds. I pouted, "Hey, it's not fair that she can crawl through all those small and cramp places." Ainsley giggled out loud, as if she understood what was going on. 

Ding dong!! The doorbell rang as Hailey was busy changing Ainsley's diapers. I answered to the door and my parents were standing right outside. They headed right inside the house and went straight for their grand daughter. 

"My dear grand daughter, did you miss grandma?" 

"I bet she missed her grandpa more."

"Look at how she wants to come to me, she definitely misses me more."

My parents quarrelled like a 3 year old and a 5 year old, with Ainsley sitting on the couch looking at them with her big brown eyes. I let out a loud cough, "Excuse y'all, do you guys not see your son and your daughter-in-law standing right in front of you?" They both gave a sheepish smile before giving Hailey a tight hug while patting me on my back.

I swear my position in the house is getting way too insignificant ever since I got married and after Ainsley was born. Sigh, I really want to give myself a pat on the back. Hailey ended their child-like arguments by guiding them towards the dining table with a wide spread of dishes. I swear I won't ever get tired of whatever she cooks. 

Just right before we were about to dig into our food, Hailey stopped us. We all looked up at her, wondering what she was gonna do. She was fidgeting in her seat before she started talking, "Um, so actually I have a piece of news to share tonight that's why I invited you guys over for the dinner." She went to the bathroom to retrieve something before returning back to her seat.

Showing us a stick with two red lines, my parents cheered out loud while I was still confused sitting in my seat. Realisation hit me and I just realised that she was pregnant! I immediately hugged her, "So you are having another little one inside now?" she nodded with unshed tears brimming in her eyes, "Yeah, I wasn't sure at first but after going through some of the symptoms I had before having Ainsley, i decided to check it out and the results came back positive."

"That means I got a bullseye again, fuck yes." I muttered softly to myself but somehow everyone heard it and Hailey slapped my arm while chuckling. 

"I love you, Mrs Anderson." I kissed her on her forehead.

"I love you, Mr Anderson." She placed a kiss on my cheek. 

And this was our happily ever after. 

This book had finally come to an end! This will be the last chapter of this book and honestly, I don't think I will start writing another book for quite a long time. Yes, I love writing but it can be quite stressful at times so I might be going on a hiatus for a long while as I have to focus on my studies now :(( 

It had been a wonderful journey with this book even though as of now it only has around 280 views, 8 votes and 7 comments. I do look forward to seeing the views, votes and comments to be sky rocketing!! 

Hope you guys also had a fruitful journey here with the book and I will probably see you guys soon! Love you! 

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