Chapter 24

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The sun shone through the glass window, warming the room. I slid open the window for some fresh air. I looked out into the blue sky. The sky showed no trace of any grey clouds, hinting that the rainy night is over. I breathe in the fresh air as the sun rays touched my face. I had to go back home to get ready for the final hearing of the custody. With a heavy heart and slow pace, I worked through all my chores. As time passes, I realized that I was dragging myself because my legs gave up to move and step a little closer to the destination. I went back to the hospital to visit Tiara before heading to the court. 

Taehyung was already getting ready to leave. Tiara has recovered well and doctors would discharge her today. I think she will stay with whoever the custody goes to. Just in case, I packed her clothes and things that are dear to her. I was talking to Tiara who was being very playful because it was her last day in the hospital. Clara was also packing things up so they can leave whenever the doctor tells them to go home.

" Taehyung.." She called him across the room. He looked in her way.

" Since you and Mia are going the same way. Why don't you take her along ?" She suggested to which we, both answered in unison.

" No." We looked at each other and then I gave my reason not to go with him.

" I have few things that I have to fetch from home so.." I trailed my words.

" I have to visit the office before going to the hearing so I will head to the office first." Taehyung gave his reason.

He kissed Tiara before stepping out of the room. Clara followed him closely. ' She had him. I had my daughter.'  I thought as I brushed my thumb on the soft skin of the Tiara's hand who wants me to hold her hand. 

If the custody goes to him...

 I don't know.

 what should I do? 

Where will I go?

without my daughter.

Why do I fear that ...

that if custody goes to him...

then I won't be ... I won't be able to live apart from my daughter.

" Mom? Mom ?" Tiara shook my hand slowly.

" Huh?" 

" You are going too ?" she asked with a frown.

" I have to. I will be back. Don't worry." I promised her.

Of course, Taehyung and I knew better that we both lied to Clara. Just so we could avoid travelling together. We both knew we would head to the court directly once stepping out of the hospital premises. Clara stayed with Tiara as I have to be present in the court. I saw Mr. Lee waiting for me outside. I greeted him as we went inside the premises. Not much time later, the judge showed up and the hearing started.

Taehyung and I stood in the court dock on two corners of the room. I exhaled as my heart raced and my hands became sweaty. My head though held high, was starting to feel dizzy. I tried to distract myself by looking ahead but I met the gaze of Taehyung who seems to look at me again. This was the second time, I caught him looking in my direction with eyes that tried to tell me something that I couldn't understand.

" Okay. Good Morning, everyone! Today,  we have the final hearing of custody of Tiara who is a six-year-old girl. Daughter of Mr. Kim Taehyung and Miss. San Mia." The judge reads off the lines on the paper.

" Alright. You may proceed with the case. " The judge gestures the lawyers to begin.

" Miss Mia." Mr. Ryeo who was in his late 40s,  walked over to me. " Would you mind if I ask you a few questions ?"  

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