Chapter 7

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" Mia." I heard Taehyung's Granny from behind. " What are you doing so late at night all alone ?" She asked walking towards me.

" umm... I..." as I tried to find some excuse to say it to her.

" Is it because you can't fall asleep ?" She asks as she pats me on the head.

" Yeah." I looked up to her and her warm smile felt comfortable.

" Oh !" She sounds astonished. " Is it because this is a new place or something else is troubling you ?"

" I have... um.. trouble in sleeping." I hesitated a bit.

" Oh! Is it so? Where is Taehyung ?" She asked.

" He is sleeping," I answered.

" You didn't wake him up ?" She questioned. I shook my head as 'No.'

She sat down on an armchair and said sweetly.

" You should've woke him up." She said. I had a flashback of him snoring on the bed. I rolled my eyes.

He won't get up.

Even if I wake him up.

He is that deep in sleep.

" You know, when Tae's father was born and I had trouble sleeping because of his constant crying. My husband stayed awake throughout the night to put him to sleep." She let out a chuckle, remembering the old days.

" I told him that he should go to sleep and guess what he said ?" She looked at me.

" He said that he is a father too. He too, have to look after his son. He always believed in sharing the chores. He never complained about being too tired. "

She smiles in the memory of her late husband. She still blushes lightly when talking about him. I wonder if I would ever be the same.

" Being newly married and getting along is tough but you see, Mia, once you get to know Taehyung... he will never break your heart." She encouraged me.

Once you get to know Taehyung...

He will never break your heart.

Never break my heart?

I wish he never did.

So that we don't have to suffer so much.

Coming to think of the reason why I left him...

I don't really think he suffered after I left.

He must've been free to sleep with anyone he wants.

As the thoughts flooded inside my head and a frown on my lips with a sigh of tiredness left my mouth.

" Mia, are you tired ?" She asks me politely.

" Yeah. But I have no place to rest." I mumbled only to realise what exactly I have said. I tried to cover up my previous statement.

" Um... I actually mean-" But she cuts me in.

" I understand." She kept a hand on my shoulder as if she was clearly understanding my situation. Her touch was keeping my silly thoughts at bay.

" With everything new, staying among new people and adjusting to a new lifestyle might make you feel a bit lonely as if your freedom is taken away." She continued.

" But you see, letting go of the past is necessary. Give him another chance." She said as she ran her hand over my hair, patting me slowly.

I looked at her amazed by her words. She knew I wanted an answer by the way I looked at her with anxious eyes mixed with awe. She answered my question without even me asking it.

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