☆ 6 ☆

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Before I start, I just want to say thankyou to anyone who has read a chapter of my story because it has 127 freaking views!!! idek how that's possible but okay. Hope you are all enjoying it, please comment any suggestions or anything you would like involved :)
- Elena🦋
Ps. Does anyone want to got to Paris?? or just smut in general please lmk

TW: Swearing

The morning came and River began tossing and turning not wanting her slumber to end. Light began to consume her room waking her up further. She began to rub the sleep out of her eyes, her body beginning to kick-start, as she remembered what day it is.

Mission Day.

After cleaning her teeth and having a shower, she walked back into her bedroom wrapped in just your towel with messy wet hair and a subtle knocking taps on your door. Without hesitation the door opens and Sirius casually strolls in, dressed and ready for the day.

"Going out dressed like that? You'll get some funny looks, but then again I'm not complaining. Come on then I want to get this over and done with." Sirius spoke happily. It took her a few moments to compose yourself, as she was half-naked and Sirius had just wondered into her bedroom acting as if nothing had happened between them.

"Are you being serious right now? First of all, I could have been completely naked and second of all are you going to just pretend that nothing happened?!" she began to raise her voice, whilst Sirius began to take a seat on her messy bed.

"Well, yes, I am Sirius," he joked with a smirk crawling on his face, "and I am going to act as if nothing happened, until you're ready to talk about it and sort out whatever it is; as you were clearly not in the mood to do so yesterday."  he said softly.

"Uh- Well, thankyou- I guess? Let's just get today over with. And thankyou for being um- mature about it all." she managed to say, unsure of how to respond.

"Well I am about 17 years older, I would be a bit worried if i wasn't the mature one."  he chuckled.

"Oh shut up will you! And get out of my bloody room and let me get dressed!" River shouted, whilst picking up a pillow and chucking it at him.

"Alright, alright! But I mean, it is my house, so I should be allowed wherever I please." he raised an eyebrow challengingly.

"Sirius Black. Get. Out. Of. My. Room!" she retaliated, getting agitated by his snarky comments.

"Technically my room!" he shouted before she began to push him out of the room and shut the door behind him. Forget about it today, it's just Sirius - it's just a stupid mission for the order, she thought. But one of Sirius' comments kept replaying in her mind.

17 years.

Its not that bad, is it?

River had just turned 18, so it wasn't illegal. But it was worrying, she was still technically a student; and worst of all, went to school with his godson. She tried to push the thoughts to the back of your head, justifying it by saying it was just a number.

After pondering for a couple of minutes, she began getting ready drying her messy curls off, chucking on her favourite jeans, top and jacket, and then applied her usual makeup. River left her room and went downstairs fairly quietly trying not to awake anyone who was sleeping still, then entered the kitchen hoping to grab a snack for breakfast before leaving. Instead of finding a snack, she walked into the room and laid on the table was a freshly cooked breakfast, and Sirius putting cutlery besides the two plates.

"For me?" she asked, smiling.

"Of course, Mademoiselle, for you." he responded, pulling out a chair for her.

Only One - Lupin and Sirius X Female OC Fanfic, Harry PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang