☆ 18 ☆

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A/N:I won't be giving warnings for smut or violence anymore, but I will continue to give TW for more sensitive topics :)

Following the rather chaotic events at St Mungo's, everyone returned to their current living arrangements - Ginny remaining bedridden at the Burrow for the time being. Only sections of Hogwarts had been damaged so the others were able to return to schooling. River, Remus, Sirius, George and Fred had travelled back to Grimmauld Place - but River didn't have the intention of staying for long.

Nobody had spoken more than a sentence to one another; Remus was in having a pity party, feeling guilty he wasn't able to prevent the attack (or so River thought), Sirius had attempted to speak to River but she was most definitely not in the mood to do so, and Fred and George could practically see the tension and didn't want to get involved.

The five had just arrived at the majestic black door and Sirius attempted to be a gentlemen by holding the door for River but she simply pushed past him. Sirius sighed and Fred gave him a knowing look as he entered the house - leaving Sirius slightly confused.

River began to brew a pot of tea as the others shuffled into the kitchen behind her awkwardly.

"I'm going to stay at my house for a while." She announced abruptly, causing some confused reactions. Fred and George grinned at each other brightly, pumping their fists. "What're you two so happy about?"

"Well we'll be coming with you." George replied.

"Obviously." Fred followed rolling his eyes. Sirius took a seat at the dining table casually.

"You're funny." He said nonchalantly as she aggressively gave him a mug of tea.

"I'm not joking." She replied, hopping onto the counter.

"You're not going." He said, as the twins and Remus shared wide-eyed glances.

"I'm sorry, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure the rule of leaving was made invalid when you decided to bugger off without telling everyone, was it not?" She responded confidently. George and Fred attempted to sneak out of the tension-filled room before River called after them, "If you're coming with me, start packing!"

"Don't you dare!" Sirius called to them immediately after.

"Sirius, I'm really not in the mood, so respectfully, fuck off." She replied.

River left the room, before being caught by the arm at the bottom of the stairs, she looked up to Remus and he gave her a pleading look.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked calmly.

"Because Sirius and I- he's just- he's a pain in the arse, that's all. I want to get out of this dark and dingy poor excuse of a home."

"Are you sure that's all?" He questioned further.

"We- I-" She cut herself off, "Yes, that's all." She lied. "You're welcome to join us, by the way. We shouldn't be gone that long." She smiled. Remus simply nodded and released his grip on her arm.

Little did River know, she had no need to lie. At this point Remus had already suspected something was going on between the two, upon seeing how she reacted when he got hurt. Her stuttering just confirmed it. As selfish as it sounded, Remus really wasn't all that fussed and he was rather pleased whatever was going on was now on the rocks. If the prospect of Sirius had already passed, he had more of a chance at winning the young girl over - he had never had this mindset about anyone before, she really did have a hell of a lot of influence over the man.

After all, falling for the girl your bestfriend had first never hurt anyone, did it?

Remus returned into the kitchen, running a hand over his face as Sirius had his head in his hands, "In all fairness Pads, you did leave her in the unknown whilst you were off doing god knows what with Mary."

"I didn't do anything with Mary, she tried, but I swear I didn't- not that I owe River anything or whatnot- but just- erm- out of respect and kindness, you know?" Sirius waffles on, Remus rolled his eyes. "Are you going to hers?" He tried to change the subject.

"I think I will for a while, change of scenery, give you some space. It might be good for you." Remus said, as he began to leave the room again, "Maybe even have Mary over." He murmured childishly as he slid out of the room, his head closely missing the placemat that Sirius had thrown harshly at him.


A couple of hours later, Remus, River, George and Fred congregated at the bottom of the stairs near the door with their packed things, as Sirius on-looked their departure from further down the hall.

"Don't look so moody, I'm sure you will find some way to pass time." River said before exiting first, Remus and the twins sent him apologetic looks before following shortly after.

Seeing as the Hope residence was only about an hour out of London, nearer the countryside, the four were able to hide behind a bus shelter a little way down the road from Grimmauld Place and apparate.

As they appeared the gates that surrounded her house, George and Fred verbally gasped, and Remus stared in awe, "You've had this entire fucking mansion, and have been staying in that place?" George commented.

"Language. And he does have a point, River, this is from old money. Look at the bloody archways!" Remus replied, fascinated by the architecture.

"Doesn't really feel the same without my mother to be honest, didn't really spend much time here anyway, we were always at the Burrow - it was almost like she didn't want to be here either." River shrugged, leading them through the front garden door and to the carved and detailed door which lead them into the unnecessarily large hallway, with a grand staircase that was placed in the centre.

"First dibs on the kitchen!" Fred called out as he went down a random hall that branched from the entrance.

"Absolutely not!" George responded, chasing him.

The childishness was put to a sudden stop as screeching could be heard from the two boys, and seconds later came sprinting back.

"There's a- a- a-" George said panting.

"Demon!" Fred finished.

"Oh, don't be bloody ridiculous I'm sure it's just a spider or something." River said, going the direction in which the boys came, before stopping as a small figure started coming their way. River squinted, and instantly recognised who it was, "Posey?!"

"Please don't be angry at Posey for staying at the house, Miss Hope." The small elf said shyly.

"Why would I be angry? I just wish you a better life. There are only so many times we- I can free you, Posey." River said, crouching to talk to the timid elf, as the others stared confused.

"Posey doesn't want to work for anyone else, she only wants to help here." She said, "It's all squeaky clean, do you not like it? I can re-do it if not-" She pointed to the shining floors and flawless furniture.

"I just wish you to go out and see the world, perhaps work at Hogwarts or somewhere similar, not stuck here forever. Perhaps make friends with that Dobby fellow Harry's friends with." River smiled, adjusting the vest that hung on the elves shoulders, "This is getting grubby, let's find you a new one."

River took the elves hand and walked her up the stairs to get her some clean clothes; the boys waited bewildered at the girls generosity.

"Go pick a room and unpack. Will make some food in a little while." She called down to them, then returned to making conversation with the elf.

Remus stared for a tad too long. He was convinced she was hand carved by the angels.

Sorry for awful updating! I promise i will get on top of it :) next chapters will be a little more interesting <3

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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Only One - Lupin and Sirius X Female OC Fanfic, Harry PotterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang