luke and jade

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"Where do we go from here?" Jade asked Julie

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"Where do we go from here?" Jade asked Julie. 

"We continue." Julie told her as she took her hand. "As a band. As Julie and the Phantoms." 

"I can't believe we cheated death. Well... ghost death." Jade laughed sitting up from her place on Julie's bed. The girls had spent the night dressing up in clothes from the trunk that Rose had left behind. It was still full of Jade's clothes so she was having a blast.

"Yeah. It's crazy to think that we get to do this now. No strings. No Caleb." Julie smiled and looked at Jade's outfit as she stood up. "Seriously, girl, your style is impeccable."

"I know right. I really was a fashionista back in the day. Imagine if I could wear clothes from now." Jade smiled and sat in front of the trunk of hers and Rose's clothes. "I can't believe Rose kept all of my things." 

"She loved having you around. She'd tell me about you all the time. She never said Jade though. She referred to you as Devyn." Julie sat up and looked at the girl plopped down on the floor.

"I wonder why." Jade said. 

"I think I know." Julie stood up from the bed and then walked towards her dresser. She searched through the top drawer before pulling out what Jade recognized as Luke's journal. 

"Where'd you get that?" Jade asked. 

"When Luke thought that they wouldn't cross over, he gave me this to give to you. I saw this before I even met the guys." Julie flipped to the page that she was looking at the night the guys appeared in her garage: the page bookmarked with Jade's photo, titled 'Devyn'. Julie handed Jade the journal and recognized the page that she saw when Julie didn't know she was looking over her shoulder. 

"I never read this page. Luke would always panic when I'd flip to it and tell me to skip it." Jade said looking down at her boyfriend's messy handwriting. 

"He's madly in love with you." Julie told her. "Luke told me something the other day." 

"What?" Jade asked, glancing at Julie.

"He mentioned how you guys would always read each other's journals. Luke told me he would try and guess which songs were written about him." Julie said a small smile on her face. Julie didn't know love for herself yet the way that Jade and Luke knew love for each other, but being in the presence of their beautiful relationship only made her more eager for her turn. 

"Wow, so he really did know I was in love with him." Jade laughed and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. (uR pRoBaBlY wItH tHaT bLoNdE gIrL)

"Before you could see each other, he told me about you. How in love with you he was. He was heartbroken thinking that you were dead." Julie said. 

That was true. A part of Luke was angry that they had appeared on Earth and Jade wasn't there. She wasn't there in ghost form and she wasn't alive. It made him want to die all over again thinking about how she couldn't bare the loss of her three best friends so much so that it killed her. Jade was the most deserving person and for her to not get the success she deserved made him irate at the world. 

"You guys have a beautiful story. A beautiful relationship that any girl would dream of having, Jade. I'm happy that you guys got a happy ending." Julie took Jade's hand. Jade squeezed her hand in return smiling at the feeling of Julie's skin against hers.

"I'm never gonna get used to being able to feel you." A smile played at Jade's lips.

"It's just as crazy for me as it is for you." Julie replied. 

The doorbell rang and Julie stood up to go answer it letting Jade know that she'd return momentarily. Once Julie's bedroom door shut, Jade looked down at the page scribbled with Luke's disastrous handwriting. 

(ya so im just gonna pretend that luke wrote wake me up by ed sheeran for jade bc its one of my fave ed sheeran songs and its so cute okay bye)

Jade had tears fully streaming down her face once she had finished reading the words that Luke had written about her. It was still insane to think that she and Luke were together after all these years. She knew what Luke's love felt like and she couldn't believe she had waited so long to finally admit her feelings to him. It took both of them dying to finally understand that life ends at any moment so you must tell those you love exactly how you feel. Jade went twenty five years alone. Questioning that maybe if she had told Luke she loved him before he left to get hot dogs maybe he would still be here. Maybe they would all still be here because Alex and Reggie would be bouncing off the walls with excitement that their best friends were finally together.

None of that matter anymore because they actually were together. In present real time. It didn't matter that they had died because they finally had each other. Not only did they have each other they had the Phantoms now. That was more than they could ever ask for. 

Jade closed Luke's journal and made her way downstairs where Julie and Nick were sitting on the couch in the living room. Nick stared at Jade and Jade gave him a strange look. 

"Hey, Nick. You okay?" Jade asked. 

"Yeah, totally." Nick nodded a smile forming on his face. 

"I'm gonna go find Luke." Jade said and Julie nodded, smelling the flowers that Nick had given her. 

Jade wandered into the garage, jumping into Luke's arms when she saw him. "I love you. So incredibly much." 

Luke lifted Jade off the ground, her legs flinging themselves around his waist as she brought her lips to his and kissed her, "That was an unexpected entrance. What's up?" 

Jade held up his journal and he took it from her hans as he set her onto the ground, "Julie gave it to you, huh?" 

"Indeed." Jade smiled and stood on her tiptoes to kiss him again. "I love you."

"I love you." Luke smiled flipping through the pages of his journal before tossing it onto the couch. 

"They were all about you." 


"All of the songs you tried to guess were about you? All of them." Jade said, taking his hands in hers.

"Thank god." He put his hand over his chest, letting out an exasperated sigh, "I really thought I was competing with Zach Johnson."

"Ew, no." Jade scoffed. 

"I thought about something." Luke said as he sat on the couch, pulling Jade into his lap. 

"What's up?"

Luke reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring that Jade recognized as soon as she saw it. It was a ring that Luke had given her on her 16th birthday. Jade thought she had lost it after she died considering when she got hit by the car she lost one of her shoes. 

"Where did you get this?" Jade gasped as Luke slid it onto her finger.

"You know we're like actually in our forties now." Luke said. "Way past that thirty-five mark."

"We're not getting married." Jade laughed.

"No, but I think I can promise you that someday we will be." Luke kissed her knuckles, blushing at her reaction. 

"Do ghosts even get married?" Jade asked, looking down at the ring that she once treasured with her life.

"Are we really even ghosts anymore?" Luke asked, kissing her cheek.

"Good point." Jade said. "Where's Alex and Reggie?"

"Alex is off crying about Willie and Reggie is visiting his family." Luke said and Jade smacked his chest.

"Reggie found his family?" Her jaw dropped.

"They found him." Luke replied. "Things finally seem to be working." 

"Well, it's only the beginning." 

the end

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