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"She's in the loft

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"She's in the loft." I heard Reggie's voice. "I can see the top of your head, you know." 

I sighed and stood up from behind the bean bag. I took my time climbing down the ladder, I was not trying to fall down again like when I saw Julie. I don't know why I was so nervous to see them again. Maybe the fact that I had been alone for the past 25 years and now I was actually being seen by other people. Well Julie is technically the only person, the guys were just ghosts.

"I totally told you that she was talking about Jade. She saw your camera, dude." Reggie said, putting his hand on Luke's shoulders.

"I knew there was no way that you were just gone!" Alex dropped his drumsticks and rushed to me lifting me off the ground in a tight hug. He spun me around in a circle and I let out a breath of relief, wrapping my arms around his shoulders, resting my head against his. 

"I can't believe I'm looking at you! I'm so so sorry we died on you like that." Once Alex set me down, Reggie scooped me up in his arms making me laugh as he spun me around. 

"We learned our lesson about street dogs, now didn't we?" I asked once he set me down. I looked at Luke who looked like he was struggling to form words. I looked at Alex and he gave me an understanding nod before tugging Alex away while Reggie was going on and on about how many questions he had for me. 

"Hey," I said, tucking my hands into the sleeves of my hoodie. 

"Hey," Luke rubbed the back of his neck, looking up at me. 

"You know when I said 'See you on the flip side' this isn't what I meant." I shoved my hands into my pockets, giving him a small smile. I took one hand out and held out my pinky.

He looked down at my pinky and then back up at me before pulling me into a tight hug, his breathing was heavy and I could tell he was trying not to cry. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me unbelievably close to him. My arms flung around his neck and I rested my head against his chest. 

We stayed like that for a few minutes as I listened my hardest for his heartbeat. It wasn't there of course. 

"Why are you here?" Luke pulled away, cupping my cheeks, brushing my hair from my face, tears slipping down his cheeks. "Why aren't you old and married with kids, what happened? You shouldn't be here."

"I guess we all just have the worst of luck." I reached up wiping his tears away with my thumbs. Watching him cry was enough to send tears streaming down my face. 

"You're not stupid enough to just get hit by a car, Jade. You're not supposed to be here." I felt his thumbs brushing my cheeks. I couldn't explain the numerous amounts of emotions I was feeling having him in my arms again. Just hearing his voice was pushing me over the edge. 

"Please, just hug me." I said under my breath and he complied, pulling me back into his chest. 

"It wasn't an accident. I know it wasn't." Luke whispered, resting his head on top of my chest. "Please tell me you didn't do this because of us." 

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