Chapter 7: 6 years later

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Josephines POV:

6 Years have pasted since Edgar and I got engaged, and 7 years since I reincarnated as Josephine. Again.

I am now 13 years old and so far my life is great. I'm about 157cm tall, my hair has grown to half back length. My eyes have gotten Darker than before though

My relationship with My family is great, My relationship with Alex is really close right now, we fight, we argue, we laugh. We're really close right now.

Edgar and I are in a good place. We talk and Joke around sometimes.He also spars with me occasionally, I Haven't won once. 

We always have close wins but I've never had enough energy to do the finishing blow. But he does. He's a guy! That's why! It's not fair!

My Magic practice has gone well too.

My ice magic has boosted. I can make my ice into different shaped. I can make stuff freeze from a touch from any part of my body. Sounds weird but it's cool. Really.

Oh, When I was reading a book, they talked about Forbidden magic. And I was curious. So I read the Ice forbidden Magic. 

When an ice magic user touches another person and controls the magic right, they and freeze the water in the human body and send ice shards out from the inside. This kills them. 

It's scary. But it's very interesting.

As for my dark magic, I've learned to teleport with it. if I jump into a shadow and think of the place I wanna go. I can go there. 

But there is a catch. It has to be a shadow made from light. Not like at night time when everything is dark and full of shadows. Light made Shadows.

It's very convenient. But the further the distance the more mana and energy it takes. 

In the past couple of years, Amy and I have been sending letters to each other, has tea parties, went out shopping. Basically we've gotten closer and became really good friends.

These past years have certainly been peaceful, it makes me scared.

That's right. I'm scared. Peace makes me scared. This is normal when you know you're gonna die.

A day comes a day passes, an assassin comes an assassin dies. There have been tones of assassins coming after me in these years, even Alex is being targeted. 


I am now thirteen.

In 2 years I'm gonna enter the Magic Academy. 

In 5 years I'll have my becoming-of-age Ceremony.

And probably in 8 years, I'm gonna die.

Yay, life's great.


I wake up like another day. Wash up, eat breakfast. Chat with Alex, Have my fighting, Magic, and Academic lessons. Have afternoon tea with Edgar and then read couple of books and write letters if I have to.

That night when I fell asleep. I dreamed of the past, the time when I was Josephine the first time. The times I hopelessly chanced after Edgar and failed. 

The times where all 4 guys including Edgar pointing swords at my neck threatening me to stop bullying Selina. The time when I got consumed by darkness. The time I got executed.

That was my nightmare.

I woke up panting. Why? Why this dream? Is god punishing me?

I wanna go outside.

I reincarnated as the Villainess of a romance novel, AgainWhere stories live. Discover now