Chapter 21: The Enemy

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Josephine POV:

Slash left, slash right. Freeze.

As you can tell, I'm fighting.

Assassins? No.

Demons from the Demon Kingdom. The side that my old self joined because of jealousy.

Weirdly enough, they've been sending demons to the Crisfen Kingdom, our kingdom, for some odd reason.

But they're just low levelled demons that'll turn into ash from one or 2 strikes.

But right now, I'm defending myself against 30 of them. Damn you Demons!

Suddenly out of no where, the Demons around my start becoming ashes, they lessened and lessened, that's when I realised someone's killing them from the outside.

And whadaya know. It's Luke. Pretending to be prince charming.

"I didn't need your help." I spat

"Yeah? Then you would've been done by now."

He's getting annoying everyday. We slash and slash until the last one remains.

He used his crystal sword and I use my ice dagger, together we cut this demon up.

"Don't steal my kill!" I shouted.

"You're not quick enough." he mocked as he turned away.

I threw an ice shard to the back of his head but he dodged by inclining his head and shouted back.

"Missed me!"

"Shut up!"

He and I are currently still not in a good place since the big argument we had. We continued to argue about the smallest things. Its kind of tiring me out, because I like him, I really do now, but we just keep on arguing.


We were in the middle of class until an announcement through the speakers called for all 2nd and 3rd year students.

We all met up in the stage hall, I sat with Amy on one side and Alex on the other. It's weird, we barley even have assemblies, what could they want to talk about.

The principle then came out and started talking.

"Hello students. As you know for the past several days, we have had demons attacking our school and different parts of the kingdom. There is a possibility we will break into a war with the Demon kingdom."

A wave of gasp escaped everyones mouths including my own.

This didn't happen in my last life... no.... things are changing.

"Like I said students, there is only a possibility, but it is quite large. That is why we need all the 2nd and 3rd years to have intense war training for any emergencies. And if a war really breaks out, we will pick the best of the best from both grades to fight in the war. Dismissed."


Right after school after that announcement about the war, we get sent the note to start training right away.

2nd and 3rd years mixed and each group trains in a different arena.

And ho ho ho. Lucky me. I'm with Amy, Luke, Selina and Lance.

I'm sooooo lucky and excited. Note the sarcasm.

I mean come on! Why! I'm glade I'm with Amy, but Luke and Selina? Are you for real?

And Lance..... Don't think I didn't forget him for tattle tailing on me.

We start training straight away, changing partners every 10 minuets. We're only doing weapon training right now but, later on we'll do magic training.

So far I've defeated all that has been my partner, even Lance. Selina was easy though, she couldn't even hold the sword properly. She should really stay at the back and heal people.

The last person I have to fight is Luke. Of course. God has his way of making me miserable.

We standing in-front of each other without saying anything which makes this whole sparring exercise awkward.

Our blades clash and we start out battle. It was intense, with this I can go all out, but our clashes are causing the people around us to actually take cover, the sand from the ground is being blown upwards until I can't see the other people.

When the 5 minutes are up we finally stop. I'm panting, but Luke isn't.

"You should've trained harder." He said as he walked past me.

Omg! What is wrong with him!

Lukes pov:

Our spar match was pretty good but I'm better than her now. A-lot better. So for me it wasn't much. Jose usually combines both Magic and Weapon usage together. So that's why she's weaker than usual.

"You should've tried harder." I said while I passed her.

I know she's trying her best but I said that to make her hate me abit. Its to help me get over her.

Ever since I realised I have feelings for her It's been hard to be normal around her.

I want to be with her but she's Eds Fiancee. The crown prince of the kingdom as well as my close friend.

Seriously, of all the people I have to develop feelings for.

It's been awkward between us besides from the moments we're arguing. We're arguing alot and I think I'm normally the one that triggers it.

I know I shouldn't but it's the only way I can think of to get over her by.

This whole thing is a literal pain.

Josephines POV:

We start having our magic practices and well, I'm good so I'm just standing here and letting my ice and shadows do all the work.

But what's not helping is Luke, He's distracting. No matter what I do, somehow my attention goes back to him.

I really need to get over him, He's a distraction right now and bless to god, if I don't get over him I can feel the doom looming over me.

We sat fighting with out magics soon and well... it's like a explostion, My ice to his fire, ice to crystal and my shadow to bind him while, and of course, I'm having trouble.

He's better than me in every way.

Academics, magic, weapon usage, even hand to hand combat. It's annoying. He excels in every god damn thing!

My next opponent is...Selina.

How am I supposed to fight her?

She lets a beam of light out from her hand. That's it? light? blind your opponent?

With one much with my ice and now she's on the ground. it was a palm sized square piece of ice and she's down. Just how weak is she...
I won without doing much.

And she was participated in the war against me last life.... How?

I lost to her? Well. That's embarrassing.

And there you have it. The first day of training.

End of chapter 21

Authors note: lol, some of ya'll are complaining that Luke's the ML and saying ya'll like Edgar better. I promise I'll make you like Luke. It's either that or I'll end up making ya'll hate him extremely. It depends how you see my idea in the future.


lol, this chap has nothing to do with Valentines, sos

14th February Sunday 2021


I reincarnated as the Villainess of a romance novel, AgainDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora