v | lancelot

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"it's a shame. lancelot's been a knight for a matter of hours and he's already managed to win her over."

[1.5 — Lancelot]

Merlin and Lia were spending their afternoon in the woods

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Merlin and Lia were spending their afternoon in the woods. Gaius was in need of more mushrooms for various remedies. That meant Merlin was sent off to harvest them, and Lia, bored and wanting to get out of the castle, tagged along.

"You think this is enough?" Merlin asked, showing her the contents of the bag.

Lia judged the basket, which was a little over half full. Gaius hadn't told them how many mushrooms to pick, but she didn't want to get too few. "Let's grab those over by that tree and then head back."

As the pair knelt by the base of a large tree, they heard a loud screeching sound in the distance — but much closer than they would have liked. Merlin looked over their shoulder and then quickly stood, pulling Lia with him.

"Time to go!" he shouted.

Lia sparred a look over her shoulder and her eyes widened when she saw some kind of large, winged creature chasing after them. She pushed her legs to run even faster, not wanting to be killed by the creature. She kept a tight grip on Merlin's hand, but after a while, he tripped and fell to the ground.

"Merlin!" she shouted, trying to pull him up.

However, it was too late. The creature was upon them. Lia tried to drag Merlin farther from it even as it reared back to attack. But before the deadly blow could come, a man appeared. He shouted and jumped in front of Lia and Merlin, brandishing a sword. He attacked the creature, but upon making contact with its skin, the sword broke as if it was made of glass.

The man turned and helped Lia pull Merlin to his feet while shouting for them to run. The two men made sure that Lia was in front of them as they fled from the creature. They ran into a clearing before hiding behind a fallen tree. Lia hid her head in Merlin's chest, scared that the beast would find them, but soon it flew off with its giant wings.

"It's gone," Merlin breathed out, coaxing Lia out of his arms. She began to calm down once she knew she was safe. They both turned to the man that had saved them. "You saved our lives. I'm Merlin."

The man slowly shook Merlin's outstretched hand. "Lancelot."

He had only looked at Lia for half a second before he lost consciousness. That was when they finally noticed Lancelot's wounded side. Lia quickly jumped into action, ripping a part of her dress off the bottom. She could not treat the wound there, but she wrapped the cloth tightly around his waist to try and slow the bleeding until they made it back to the physician chambers.

With Merlin's help, they managed to get Lancelot all the way back to Camelot. Gaius was quite surprised to see them rush in with an unconscious and injured man, but that did not deter him from jumping into action.

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