iv | lancelot and illyria

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"so, what are you saying? that you're in love with lia?"

[2.4 — Lancelot and Illyria]

After everything she had gone through, Morgana felt the need to visit her father's grave

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After everything she had gone through, Morgana felt the need to visit her father's grave. Normally, she was only accompanied by Gwen and a few guards, but this time, she asked Uther's permission for Lia to accompany her. Of course, Uther was never one to turn Morgana down, and so he gave Lia the day off to join them on the trip. They were all gathered in the square, getting ready to mount their horses and head off. After Arthur helped Morgana on to hers, his gaze fell on Lia. The pair stared at each other for a moment before Lia turned to look at her saddle.

"I hope your trip isn't too upsetting," Arthur told Morgana.

"Thank you, Arthur," she said.

Then Arthur turned to one of the guards accompanying them, Sir Robert. "Make sure you return to Camelot before dusk."

"Yes, Sire."

Lia allowed herself to glance back at Arthur as they rode away. She didn't know whether to be pleased or saddened by the fact that he was already watching her with a longing look. Knowing that she needed to focus on the trip, she faced forward, doing her best to shake thoughts of Arthur from her head.

Evidently, she hadn't done a great job at hiding her inner turmoil over the Prince.

"You look troubled, Lia," Morgana noted.

"I'm fine," she said, shaking her head and smiling.

"You're very secretive these days," Gwen added. "I'm beginning to think there's a man involved."

Lia scoffed and rolled her eyes. "When do I get to meet any decent men?"

"Hey!" A few of the knights and guards protested, earning a laugh from Lia. In her line of work, she met plenty of men as they came to her injured, all of them decent. They just weren't who she was thinking about.

"Let me guess," Gwen said, smirking. "Sir Leon?"

"No," Lia said, laughing. "We're only friends."

"But you gave him your favor at the jousting tournament," Gwen reminded her.

"As a friend," Lia stressed.

"Does he know that?" Morgana asked.

Lia simply rolled her eyes. It seemed no one but Leon and herself understood their relationship. Perhaps there were mutual feelings at the beginning of their friendship, but they faded on both sides. They loved each other, just not in the way everyone liked to think.

Morgana and Gwen, along with some of the guards that were friends with Leon, continued to tease Lia. She stopped protesting after a while, simply grinning and shaking her head at their taunts. It put a smile on Morgana's face and made the trip pass faster, so Lia did not complain.

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