8. Wild at Heart

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"Listen," James told Marlow.  "There's a refueling team coming to the North end of the island in three days."

"You should come with us," added Mason.

"To the north end of the island? In three days?"

"Yes, we're getting out of here."

Marlow began laughing, cupping James's face and patting his cheek. "You can't get to the North end of the island in three days!" he cried, suddenly serious now.  "At least not on foot."


"That's what we're going to be traveling in?" cried Slivko.

"I've seen worse," admitted Tilda. 

"There she is," breathed Marlow happily.

"Well, that's just lovely," said James.

"She sure is. You're damn right."

The small water vessel seemed to have been crafted from the airplanes Marlow and Gunpei had crashed in all those years ago.

"Does this thing even float?" asked Slivko, peering closely at the boat.

"Gunpei and I spent six years of our life building this. She's called the Grey Fox. She's floats. And she does a lot more than that. She's our ticket out of here." He went on to tell them what it was built from, confirming Tilda's earlier theory.

"So you built it out of your old plane parts?"

"We sure did. And some other stuff that landed on the island - now that was something. No people with it though."

"You've got to be kidding me, that thing?" mumbled Nieves in disbelief.  

"'That thing' is your only hope of getting off this island alive.  Now I know she ain't pretty to look at-"

"I think she's incredible," remarked Tilda.

"Well thank you, Ma'am.  It's nothing a couple of extra hands can't fix.  Now, unless you've got any better ideas, I'd say we'd better get cracking."

"Right." Tilda threw down her kit.  "You heard the man, let's get to it, folks."

"I like your attitude," chuckled Marlow.

While they got to work - minus the help of Nieves - Mason went to take as many photos of the Iwis and their village as she could. She even taught them how to use the camera so they could take some photos of her there in and amongst it all.

"Slivko you know what you're doing there?" asked James aboard the boat, the Grey Fox.

"Yeah, I sure do. My Pops is a mechanic. If I can't fix this, he'll disown me - if he ever sees me again."

"Of course will." Tilda tried to keep optimistic. 

"I sure hope so."

"That thing looks like it's made out of pure tetanus," called Nieves who sat as far from the boat as possible on the docks. 

"Nieves, less complaining and more assistance would be greatly appreciated," Tilda told him. 

"I'm not coming near that thing."

"We'll you're going to have to come near it if it's to carry us across the island," she reminded him. 

"Wait, wait, hold on, Churchill," Marlow stopped James in the middle of his recounting what had happened in the last years and decades since he landed on the island to pass the time while they worked.  "Russia was our ally, and now you're saying we're at war with them?"

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