9. Journey into the Unknown

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Tilda knew she should rest - after all, they had a long journey ahead of them tomorrow, no doubt with its fair share of shocks and surprises, if the first part of their journey was anything to go by. But the night was so peaceful, so beautiful, and she could not just part with it, not just yet.

"Marja Morenakova?"

The voice broke the peacefulness of the night. She turned slowly to face Philip's dark figure. "Excuse me?"

"Marja Morenakova," he repeated, as though it were the most obvious thing in the world. Maybe it was.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean," she told him.

"Oh, I think you do."  She didn't like that tone. 

His gaze lingered on her as he walked away. She thought he might persist, but he didn't. 

Tilda stood staring after him, even long after he had left. What a strange encounter.

She had a funny feeling about him. She would have to keep a close eye on him - closer than she already was.


"This man's name was Gunpei Ikari. We arrived on this island together as enemies, but you take away the uniforms and the war, and he became my brother, and I became his." Marlow knelt before the memorial he had made for his fallen friend.  "We swore we'd never leave each other behind." He stood, taking Gunpei's sword with him.  "Now let's get off this island."

The engine of the Grey Fox spluttered as they tried to get it going, everyone lending a hand.

"Ah, glad to see you're helping out this time, Nieves," Tilda remarked. He didn't look happy about it though.

"Come on, third times the charm," called Slivko.  "Here we go, here we go!"

"Come on, come on," muttered Marlow, willing it to work, to come to life for them. 

"Yes!" cheered Slivko from where he stood by the engine, pleased with the progress as the machine hummed to life. "Yes! Yes!" Everyone laughed in relief.

The Iwis had all lined up along the docks to bid them farewell, especially Marlow.

He approached them.  "I guess this is goodbye. Thank you." They bowed their heads in return.  "If you're ever in Chicago, look me up, I guess." With one last wave he climbed aboard and they pushed away from the docks. Mason snapped a few last photos. 

A piece of the fortress wall was lifted for them to travel through, and they were off, out of the safety of the village and back into the unknown.


"You're going home, Mr. Marlow," said Tilda. 

"We all are," agreed James. 

Slivko put on one of his records, finding a little background noise comforting. Tilda kept watch out of the corner of her eye and caught Philip shooting glances her way. They hadn't spoken since their encounter last night, and she'd noticed he'd been rather quiet this whole time. 

"I've got a wife - had a wife? Have a wife?" Marlow said, showing them a photograph. "I guess I don't know anymore... We got hitched right before I was deployed. Got a telegram from her the day before I was shot down, she said she'd just had our baby boy. I've got a son out there, a grown man I've never even met."

"I'm sure she's told him all about you," Tilda assured him.

"Yeah, I sure hope so."

"Yeah, she definitely thinks you're dead, man," said Slivko, much less reassuring.

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