//A good person//

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It was 6:00 AM when Norman was sitting at
his desk, still finalizing his plan of totally-not-eradication-based-on-race. He'd gotten little sleep the night before, only in brief winks when he dozed off sitting up, only to be stirred by his reoccurring nightmares.

The door to his...admittedly desolate- workplace suddenly busted open with a bang and Norman looked up from his desk in surprise.

"I AM HERE!!" Y/N exclaimed loudly, her voice ringing loudly throughout the room. Norman jumped before looking up and stared at the bundle of things she held in her hands. "TO MAKE YOU TAKE A BREAK!!"


//Y/N's POV//

I was lucky enough to have Ray, Yuugo, and everyone else by my side to remind me to take breaks and relax, but the people who surrounded Norman... Although they had good intentions, they relied on the albino boy in an unhealthy way, putting immense pressure on him, and caused Norman's bad habit of being a self-sacrificial-idiot to grow worse as he grew older- unlike Ray and I, who've gotten better as time went on. Or so I like to think, at least.

So I decided, no matter how much he complained or refused, I'd make Norman take the break he deserved- or needed, in this case.

I woke up first thing- a rare thing for me, without the bribe of cookies, and gathered the things I needed, grabbing a quick meal of a singular bun which I stuffed in my face, nearly choking on it on several occasions, which in turn caused a number of...unfortunate mishaps.

One of the kids passing by asked me if I needed first aid after I walked into a wall, after tripping over my own feet and falling down several stairs. I, of course, smoothly responded that not even god could kill me if they tried. The kid looked at me like I was crazy. Jee, I wonder what caused them to do that.

After succeeding in scaring several children, sustaining several minor injuries, and embarrassing my ancestors, and likely Vincent, if he was watching, thrice for good measure, I succeeded in completing my preparations. I grabbed my pack and strapped on my throwing knives before grabbing the bundle of things I needed for Norman.

I hurried quickly to his room, many of the children still only on the verge of waking up, therefore only one or two witnessing me trip over a rat and nearly face-planting once again. God really was trying to kill me today. That little demon-brat better raise some hands. I've got some things to say.

Once I finally arrived, thankfully still in-concussed...probably... I found myself unable to open the door (like a normal person) due to having my hands full, so, finding a simple solution, I used my foot to turn the handle and then kicked the door open. "I AM HERE~!!" I yelled, the door slamming against the wall and startling Norman, who scattered several papers laying on his desk in doing so. "To make you take a break!!" I finished, setting down the bundle of things on the couch with a 'Whump!'

Norman quickly arose from his desk. "A-ah, Y/N what do you mean?" He asked frantically, cleaning up his papers into neat and orderly piles- like I organize my...my... well, I suppose nothing of me is quite that organized. The mess on his desk prior to him cleaning it, though, was akin to my cluttered mess of emotions and priorities. Now that I think about it, someone as orderly as Norman having a mess comparable to myself is...frightening.

"The main Gracefield will be arriving at some point tomorrow." I sighed, pulling everything in the bundle apart. "And you, scary-albino 2.0, are even worse than Ray when it comes to self-sacrifice." I turned to Norman. "And that's saying something." Norman sighed, scratching his head.

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