//To swear jar or not to swear jar//

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I awoke with a small groan, shifting slightly in my uncomfortable position. As I opened my eyes groggily, I began to realize what exactly was wrong. I was still sitting up, leaning against Ray's bed, a blanket draped across my shoulders...only...

I was laying against that very ravenhead's chest while he leaned over me, the end his bangs falling into my line of sight, snoring quietly. His arm was draped around my shoulder, and one of my own hands was clutching onto his shirt. I made a quiet squeak and considered getting up then and there, releasing my grip on his shirt and letting it fall gently to my lap. But could I move without waking him up? Could I do that? 

Ray's position suddenly changed as there was a pause in his snoring, his face falling onto my shoulder, nose buried in my neck.

I blinked twice, stuck in my position, face heating up dangerous amounts as I felt his small, warm breaths against my neck. I panicked for quite a large amount of time, considering the best course of action, before making a decision. To avoid embarrassing myself- in my poor pride-based logic, I'd pretend to still be asleep until Ray woke up- considering how much he was moving, it shouldn't be long, anyway. 

So I relaxed my body once again, slowing my breathing, my head hovering above Ray's chest slightly, until I got tired of holding it up and rested it against the chest that moved as he breathed gently. It didn't take long for the ravenhead to wake up after that, a pause occurring  in his snoring. He rubbed his eyes cutely- and me, who was still awake despite pretending to stay asleep, was doing my very best to suppress my inhumanly fangirl screech, barely managing to keep my breathing steady.

Ray shifted around a little as he woke, blinking his grubby eyes. As soon as he was up I felt him freeze in place, realizing the position he'd been in, and I bit my tongue, trying so hard not to make a single sound. 

"Sh*t." Ray muttered, rubbing the side of his head as he looked away. He then carefully picked his way from the floor without disturbing me, the blanket that was draped around us falling to the floor. As he moved I changed to a more comfortable position, my *ss rightfully sore, resting my head on Ray's bed in doing so. 

I peeked through my eyes and watched the ravenhead pace around the empty room, glancing back to my "sleeping" self a few times. He let out a groan and stopped pacing. "Those idiots..." He muttered, rubbing his head furiously.

Ray then turned to me, his eyebrows scrunching up. He walked towards me, coming inches from my face, before crouching and picking up the blanket that I hadn't noticed had dropped, re-draping it around my shoulders.

He backed away to exit the room and I relaxed, glad for him to be leaving at last, but he sighed once more, walking back over to me. He hesitated, looking at my pitiful- and rather uncomfortable- position. He looked around quickly before leaning in closer and lifting me up in a brides carry, placing me on his bed. I screamed internally, biting on my cheek so hard it drew blood. He quickly pulled the blanket over my shoulder and then left, closing the door tightly behind him.

I stared into space for a moment, my eyes wide, as something I'd forgotten- thankfully, suddenly triggered in my memory. 


"Do you need help?" Zack asked Ray as the ravenhead helped me- half awake and swaying on my feet, walk, one of my arms wrapped over the ravenhead's shoulder.

We were in Goldy pond, shortly after meeting Zack for the first time, my hands stinging with their fresh injury, clearly standing on a merry-go-round, because nothing else could spin the world this much. 

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