Chapter 4: A True Journey

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"But that doesn't mean you're actually my brother," Ally tried to convince herself but with the look and the personality... she shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. Your brother is dead, he's dead because you were too weak to save him. Your family are gone because you're too weak to save them. You were too slow. 

"Are you okay?" Percy asked a while later, making Ally realizing she's staring into space as she shook her head to clear her thoughts again. She could still save them. If Percy's alive, it's possible that they're also alive. "Ally?"

Ally finally looked up at him, studying his sea-green eyes as Percy stares right back as if trying to figure out everything. There was a moment of silence, where the two of them just stood there, wondering if they were siblings once upon a time. 

Ally steps closer as she traced his face with her finger, stopping at a small scar below his chin. Percy stared at her blankly, trying to understand. Ally gasped softly. "You are him."

Ally continued to stare and stare and stare. 

How could it be possible? She saw him died in front of her eyes. "How are you alive?"

"Why am I dead," Percy countered as a small smile appeared on Ally's face once more before it fell again. "I don't get it. How am I your brother? Why can't I remember you? Why are you stabbed? What in the world is happening?"

Ally merely chuckled softly as she sat up on the bed once more, leaning against the wooden bed frame behind her. "One at a time, Perce."

"Why do you think I'm dead?" Percy asked again, but it seems to be the wrong question to ask as Ally looked away, wiping away a tear that she's trying so hard to hold back. Percy seems to notice this as he wrapped his arms around her. But somehow it wasn't awkward, like he'd done this countless times before. So maybe, just maybe, the girl is telling the truth. 

"I saw you die in front of my eyes," Ally started softly, leaning against Percy, glad for the familiar feel of his arms around her. "You were the first to fall. Letia had been trying to get vengeance on our kingdom for as long as I can remember. It was a surprise to all of us, the bravest, the most loyalists, the strongest, the first to fall. I couldn't believe it, trying to trick myself into thinking that you're still here, that you're still with me, with us."

"Okay, time out," Percy hold up his hand. "I need time to process this... So from what I gather, there's a war against your kingdom and another and you guys lost or something?"

"Of course not," Ally scowled. "We didn't lose. Letia's soldiers disappeared one day and none of our soldiers can find them. Our spy informed us that they're back in their kingdom and training every one of its soldiers again. I suspect that war will be brought upon us once more in our near future."

"I still don't get how this relates to me or how we're siblings," Percy started but Ally cut him off. 

"I was getting there," she promised. "I'm the only person from the royal family that survived, or so I thought."

"Wait, wait, wait," Percy holds up his hands once more, trying to wrap his head around everything that's being told to him. "So I'm royalty?"

Ally nodded slowly as Percy grumbled under his breath. "Great, just what I need. People bowing to me."

Ally suddenly burst out laughing, the previous tense posture soon relax. "You never change."

"But there's still something I don't get," Percy started. "So we're siblings, I get that much. But where do you come from? Why are you even stabbed?"

"I came from Icywater," Ally stated, a small grin still on her face. "I'm their current queen. Though to be honest, not many people in our kingdom have faith in me. I was actually the fourth in line for the throne, not the first. But with all of my, or our, siblings dead, I was the only one in the royal family that survived as I stated before. I would prefer if one of my cousins had taken the throne."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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