Chapter 8: Talks

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Artemis' POV

It has been a while since Percy came back to the hunt. So far, no one has bothered me about hugging Percy. Apparently, I spoke too soon. I was in my tent today when I heard a knock.

"Come in," I told whoever at the door. Ally walked in. 

"Do you need anything?" I asked her. She gave me a smile. 

"I just have some questions to asked you Artemis," She told me. 

"Ask me," I told her wondering what kind of things will she asked me about. Just not about Percy or why I hugged him. Honestly, I don't know.

"You like my brother don't you," She asked seriously. I was not preparing for that question.

"N-No?" I answered her though it sounds more like a question than an answer. 

She laughed. "Are you sure?" She asked, pointing to my flushing cheek. I am so glad that my tent is soundproof.

"Yeah," Thalia walked in. When did she come in? Ally waved at her and I quickly lock the door. "Are you sure you don't like my kelp for brain cousin?"

"I don't know okay," I told them. "Go bother someone else."

"But you still haven't answered our question," Ally push me. Clearly she won't leave me alone until I answered her. The truth is that I'm confused as well.

"Fine," I mumbled. "Imighthavealittlefeelingforhim."

"I couldn't hear that milady," Thalia said, but her eyes hold excitement. She probably heard it just wanted me to say that again. "Say that again."

I groaned, Ally laugh. Clearly she heard it as well. "I might have a little feeling for him," I told them. Emphasizing the might and little.

"I knew it!" Ally shouted a little too loudly. Thalia laugh. I wondered if they are going to kill me seeing that that is Ally's brother and Thalia's cousin. 

"I approve don't you Thalia?" Ally asked Thalia. I was shocked by their question. "Yeah, I approve milady," Thalia told me.

"Wait, WHAT!?" I asked them.

"If my brother asked you out I approve," Ally told me and she and Thalia left with me still there deep in thought. Suddenly, Apollo flashed in.

"Hey lil sis," He greeted me.

That brought me out of my thoughts. I immediately shouted. "I'm not your lil sis, I am older than you!" He just laughed. 

"How did the conversation with Ally goes?" Apollo asked me. 

"How did you know she was talking to me?" I asked, suspicious of why he knows what I was doing.

"Don't worry," He told me. "I'm not spying on you. Ally told me." 

Oh, that's why. Ally has been visiting Apollo a lot lately. Don't ask me, I have no idea what they are doing and I do not want to know. I decided to ask Apollo. "What did you and Ally do anyways? She has been visiting you a lot lately and not coming back at night."

Apollo blushed. I narrow my eyebrows at him. He seems to understand what I was saying. "No, no, no, we didn't do that. Why are you being so dirty-minded? We just sleep, that's all." I release the breath I didn't realize that I was holding.

"Okay," I said. "Are you going to leave now? I have other things to do."

He was about to flash away when he stopped and asked me with a smirk on his face. "What was your answer to Ally's question?" 

I groaned. "Do I have to tell you? and do you even know what question she asked?"

"Yes to both your first and second question," Apollo told me. 

"Why?" I whined.

"Because I say so," Apollo replied. We go on like this for a few minutes.

"Fine," I said, finally giving in. "I might have a little feeling for him." I gave him the same answer I gave Ally and Thalia. 

He gave me a knowing smile, the one he usually gave when he saw someone's future. "Yeah, a little." Then he flashed out. I wondered what he saw in my future.

Percy's POV

I was in my tent when Ally and Thalia walked in. They seem to be laughing about something. I heard my name and Artemis' name in it. I wondered what they are talking about.

"Hey Ally, Thalia," I greet them as they walked in. "What are you doing here."

"We have some questions for you," Ally told me with a smile on her face. Then, Apollo flashed in.

"Can I join in the question asking?" He asked. 

"Sure," Ally said and went to stand next to him. I swear that they are always with each other.

"So Thals," Ally started. "Want to do the honor?"

"Sure," Thalia said. The question she asked totally throw me off guard. "Do you like milady?"

"What?" I asked her. Not sure what I am hearing.

"Do you like Artemis?" Ally asked. I have no idea what I'm supposed to say. I don't know. Honestly, I don't know what I'm feeling.

"I don't know," I told them honestly. Ally looked at Apollo and he nodded. I am hurt. She doesn't trust me anymore.

Ally shared a look with Apollo and Thalia and they gave her a smile. Oh no, I know that smile, they are going to do something bad.

"Well," Apollo started. "We will leave you to be, we have something we need to work on." The moment he said that he disappeared with Ally and Thalia. I wondered what they are doing.


Later that day, after dinner, I went to the lake around the Hunter's camp that overlooks the moon.  I need time to sort through all of my thoughts. I think about the question Ally and Thalia have asked me. Do I like Artemis? I honestly don't know like I have told them in the morning.

She is a really nice person but I don't want my heart to be broken again. She is a MAIDEN Goddess for Zeus' sake. Speaking of Zeus, if I do like Artemis, Zeus won't approve, therefore, I am still not sure- 

"Beautiful place isn't it," My thoughts were interrupted by the person I am confused about, Artemis.

"Yeah," I responded to her. She sat next to me. 

"What are you doing here?" She asked, looking at the moon.

"Thinking over things," I told her. I couldn't exactly tell her I am confused about whether I like you or not. She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as well. 

We sat in awkward silence. Deciding to break the silence, I asked her. "What are you doing here?"

"Thinking, like you are," she said in a duh tone. Suddenly out of nowhere, she said really quietly and quickly. "You're a good friend you know."

"What?" I asked her, not sure what I was hearing. 

"You're a good friend," Artemis repeat herself. "No matter what the others said."

I nodded my head. "So you think of me as a friend?"

"Yes," Artemis said and blush a light gold. I must be really sleepy and seeing things. I told myself. There is no way a maiden goddess blush because of me.

"We sure probably go back to bed," I said as we sat in another awkward silence. "Goodnight Artemis."

"Goodnight Percy," Artemis told him.

Third-person POV

They walk back to the Hunters camp enjoy each other's company through either of them know what each other thought. They go on their separate way when they reach the tent areas. Little did they know, a certain love goddess was watching them, knowing this will be the best love story forever.

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