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  Panic, that was all that filled his mind when he awoke to Sam's dog (a dog he couldn't remember the name of) barking loudly, then the sound of someone swinging open the front door. When the wood connected with the wall and Puffy appeared in his vision, an unconscious Sam leaning against her shoulder, he panicked even more. Puffy ignored his pleas for an answer, laying the tall hybrid down on the bed Tommy had previously been occupying, the sheep hybrid looking Sam up and down with wide eyes.

"Is he gonna die? Puffy?" Tommy questions as the sheep woman, kneeled down next to the bed, dark circles fading in under her eyes.

"I-I don't know, Tommy." The whitette's words only worsened the boy's panic. Tommy watched as Puffy shuffled around Sam, checking the males pulse a small, shaky sigh leaves her lips

"He's fine now, but..." Puffy trailed off, narrowing her eyes down at the unconscious man, memories of the redness around his eyes and veins before he noticed her presence, similarly to Bad and Ant's infected appearances.

"H-he was fine all day, what happened?" Tommy asked, cringing at the sound of his voice cracking. Puffy's eyes move over his figure, before diverting behind him then back at the boy.

"It must have finally broken him." A small whimpering like sound leaves the boy's throat, Puffy's eyes softening.

"Tommy, If he's infected-"

"He's fine." A voice behind him caused the teen to jump, spinning around quickly. The person that had spoken, was standing in the entryway of the room, Sam's dog cradled in their arms as they looked over the hybrid with a neutral expression. They were shorter than Tommy, only reaching his shoulder, their eyes dull and clothing in taters.

"W-who the hell are-"

"Tommy, this is Y/N, they helped me get Sam back here." Puffy explained, hoping to calm the clearly panicked teens nerves around the new person. Y/N steps into the room, revealing two white wings behind them, one scrunched close to their body, the other dragging limply behind them. They set the dog on the ground, the gray coated animal running over to her owner's body, curling up on the bed next to him with a loud whine. Tommy kept his eyes on the stranger, his eyes narrowing as he examined them. Puffy lays a hand on Sam's forehead, before glancing over at the two teens.

"One of you, bring me some water and a towel." The woman instructed, but it sounded more like a demand. Tommy nods quickly rushing to the kitchen, dragging a wooden bowl out of a chest and dipping it into a cauldron before grabbing a towel and rushing back to the room. The clearly exhausted hybrid takes the items from the boy, setting them down next to her before dipping the fabric into the water, wringing it out and folding the towel before laying it over Sam's forehead, her own eye glossy. Y/N was still standing in the same position, eyes gazing over Tommy with a hint of nervousness as they sidestep closer to Puffy. The blonde narrows his eyes but Puffy snaps her fingers, catching both the children's attention.

"Tommy, take Y/N to a room so they can sleep." Tommy opened his mouth to argue, but Puffy's tired glare caused him to clench his teeth shut, turning to the winged teen, before motioning for them to follow him.

Tommy had stayed around Sam's house long enough to know where everything was, including both Sapnap and Ponk's old bedrooms (Ponk still comes around a lot, but he's away most of the time). Tommy reaches Ponk's door, placing his hand on the handle and pulling the door open, peeking in to make sure the man wasn't in there, before turning to Y/N, who was standing a few feet away from him, causing the boys frown to deepen, are they afraid of him?

"You can stay in this room." Tommy says, pushing the door open and stepping to the side. Y/N doesn't move, their eyes locked on the boy. With a sigh, Tommy enters the room, flicking the rest of the lights on as he does so. Y/n shuffles in behind him, glancing around the room.

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