Chapter 2

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Upon waking up, you were slightly startled by the light breathing in your ears before your head caught up to you.

you sat for a second, slowly easing yourself out of unconsciousness.

you heard a soft snore and smiled, opening your heavy eyes a little.

you sleepily reached up and lightly touched the headphones on your head, a content hum left you as you listened to their rhythmic breathing. your eyes fluttered closed again and you felt yourself drift in and out for a while.

then it hit you.

you were awake now. youd just forgotten the two people in the call were the Technoblade and Dream.

oh fuck.

"Are you awake?"

A soft and groggy voice rang through your ears. It took you a second to register who was speaking.

"mhm," you responded softly, now just barely awake enough to form coherent thoughts. you reached up and rubbed your eyes as he spoke to you again, "morning Twix," he muttered, and you faintly heard a coffee pot in the background.

"good morning dream," you responded, opening and closing your mouth to try and rid yourself of the sleep-induced cotton mouth. "are you making coffee?"

Dream paused for a second. "Yeah sorry, didn't know you could hear it."

You waved your hand in the air dismissively.

"Don't apologize, barely noticed," you mumbled, throwing the comforter off of your body and exposing yourself to the winter air in your house. "ohmygod."

"what's wrong?"
"oh, nothing. it's just really cold in my room."
"ah, okay."
"Can I have some?"
you smiled tiredly, "coffee. can I have some?"
"oh, sure."

You cracked open the curtain enough to let just a sliver of golden sunlight in. You looked around the room and your eyes landed on the black hoodie in the corner. "I'm taking my headphones off for a sec," "okay."

"changing, don't look."


You tugged off your headphones and grabbed the oversized hoodie off the floor. You pulled it on and searched through your drawers to find a pair of light pink sweatpants before grabbing your headphones off the bed and opening your bedroom door. "I return."

Dream gave a small hum of acknowledgment.

You walked to your kitchen, idly dragging a hand over the wall, and opened your fridge.

"how much sugar do you put in your coffee?"

you smiled at the random question as you grabbed some orange juice from your fridge. "a lot. why do you ask?"

"No reason. Unrelated, how much creamer do you put?"

You let out an amused exhale through your nose as you lifted yourself to your tippy toes and grabbed a small glass cup from the cupboard, "a lot."

Dream smiled to himself, "you're specific."
"I know."

You took a sip of the acidic juice and let the strong flavor wash away the gross feeling and taste in your mouth. Moving to sit at your dining table, you laid your cheek in your palm and stared out the window, giving yourself a minute to wake up.

The curtains were sheer, allowing the rare and dappled sunlight filtering through the trees to spill gently into the living room and illuminate the dust on the hardwood floor and couches. It rained so often during this time of year, you barely got to see the sun. You watched as the AC turned on, making the dust dance elegantly in the beams of light. However, the clouds spoiled the sun's plans and covered the light source. You noticed the clouds were a darker gray, it was probably going to rain more later. "whys the air conditioning on? it's like, 30 degrees," you groaned, making no effort to get up and fix the thermostat.

~ 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚 ~ (x reader) (DISC.)Where stories live. Discover now