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-quote from me

you looked around, a vast emptiness of black around you.

you couldnt feel anything. you looked down and saw that your body was nothing more than a shimmering cloud of mist in the shape of a human.

were you standing on something?

no, you were just floating there (you had decided after you had tried to stomp a few times with no avail)

"welcome, twix."

a voice boomed from behind you. you whipped around, coming face to face with the chest of a humanoid being.

you looked up and the sight if the person in front of you took your breath away.

they exuded pure life and energy, and you could feel an innate sense of calm just by being near them. they glowed with radiance. the best you could do to describe them was tall. they seemed so...un-perceivable. the only feature you could clearly place your finger on was a white mask where their head would be, with an 'XD' scribbled on the front.

and then you were somewhere else.

you were sitting down, the ground underneath you slightly damp. your hand tightened to a fist and you felt grass and dirt slip through your fingers.

you could feel things.

slowly, you opened your eyes and tilted your head upwards to the sky, hissing a little and squeezing them shut again when you accidentally gazed directly at the sun.

you looked around. there were some oak walls near you, but you were mostly surrounded by a small forest of spruce trees.

a twig broke somewhere behind you and you whipped your head around to face the direction it came from. a figure came into view through the trees. you squinted for a better look.

a man, you assumed, was walking towards you. he wore a loose lime green hoodie, the sleeves pushed to his elbows and the hood up, covering most of his head. his pants were a dark charcoal color and his combat boots looked worn down as he took long strides towards you. there was an axe forged of a deep black-ish purple metal strapped to his back by a strip of brown leather. there were a few tufts of soft dusty blonde hair escaping from the hood and flopping lazily over the white ceramic mask that was positioned over his face. the mask seemed to be painted, and a simple smiley face adorned the front of it. he had a black choker- that aspect seemed to be more style than anything else- and long fingerless gloves that reached right before his forearm ended, exposing his elbows in the small space between the gloves and the hoodie's sleeves.

as he approached you, you realized there was an air of familiarity to him.

he reached out a hand to you before speaking, "need some help?"

you smiled and grasped his hand in your own. "dream," you whispered breathily as he tugged you up from your sitting position. he cocked his head in return and you could tell from his tone that he was smiling, "hey twix."

you gestured around with your other hand as your other fell from dream's grip, "where am i?"

he sighed through his nose, "Welcome to the SMP."


he brought you to a house with a floor made of crafting tables in the middle of a lake. as he walked to the entrance, you noticed his movements become more hesitant and...sad.

you dragged your eyes away from him and to the outside decor of the house. "its quite pretty." you mumbled, reaching out to lightly cup a rose hanging from a bush near the doorway. dream let out a short, humorless laugh, "it used to look like shit." you smiled softly to yourself and turned back to see him leaning against the wall, right on the edge of the threshold. "what is this place?"

"the community house." he turned his head from you to look inside the dark room. "people leave stuff here and anyone can take it. me, george, and sapnap used to live here."

all of a sudden, the scene changed, disorienting you temporarily. dream was still standing near you, but it was night and his eyes were fixated on something in the house. you followed his gaze to the edge of the room and you saw three figures standing in front of a wall of furnaces, their aggressive banter carrying over the air towards you.

you recognized all three of them as your friends. George and Sapnap were arguing over something as Dream forged armor for the three of them, a fond smile peeking out from under his mask as he listened to his friends bicker. You could smell steak cooking in the furnaces, and the bright light of torches illuminated all three of them as they went about their night. Your eyes flicked to three beds in the opposing corner.

but then just like that, it was gone. the pungent smell of steak and sounds of loud arguing and metal clanking were replaced with the gentle scent of roses, the soft sounds of the water swishing gently around the bridge.

dream sighed and his head fell a little. you turned to face him again. you could tell something was wrong, off.

"you said people, like theres more than you guys. where are they?" you asked, tilting your head. he faced you, kicking himself up off the wall.

"i-" he faltered, struggling to find the right words. "im in prison."

you glanced around. "youre right here?" you stated, more of a question than anything else.

"this is a vision. its one of your powers i think," he grabbed one of your hands, "go find sapnap when you wake up okay? he'll explain everything to you." his tone was gentle. gentle and lonely. his voice saddened when he said sapnap's name, and you wondered why.

you opened your mouth and hesitated, searching him up and down, looking for any body language that would suggest he was doing some elaborate joke. when you found none, you met his eyes. or, rather, the eyes to his mask.

"promise he'll explain?"

you nodded. "okay. ill find him."

"thank you."

and with that, your scenery melted away, along with dream and the warmth of his hands around yours, leaving only a black void yet again.

the darkness was cold. unbelievably cold. you started to shiver, scooting away from the intense heat to your front and settling on keeping your back to the ice-cold stone behind you. you heard a voice from behind the wall of heat, "dream. you need another clock?"

you jolted up with a gasp, and found yourself on a spruce forest floor.

~ 𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙨𝙚 𝙢𝙚 ~ (x reader) (DISC.)Where stories live. Discover now