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"You're gonna be late!" Abbie shouted at Tyler as he ran into the kitchen with his shoes and bag in his hands. He smiled and got himself together before leaving for school. Abbie had half an hour to spare before work, Kevin had been assigned to an undercover case with his CI so he couldn't come to work or it would blow his cover. Abbie was basically working with anyone and everyone, if Hank needed another hand he would give Abbie the job. She was about to grab a snack for work but her phone pinged, she got it out from her pocket and her eyes grew wide in fear.
Mom: "hey sweetie I really need your help, I'm at home"
Abbie: "on my way"

She sighed and grabbed her badge and gun then left to hurry over to her moms house, she left her badge, phone and gun in the car since she didn't really expect to be using any of them. Her purse was in her back pocket since it didn't have much in, "mom?" She shouted into the living room as she pushed the bungalow door open. She was greeted by her crying mom in the corner and silence, her thoughts were interrupted by a blow to the head. She fell to the floor with a pounding headache and rolled over to see Chris standing over her, he punched her and it knocked her out cold.

"Hurry" her mom cried out to Chris, he bent down and checked her pockets for money. His face grew greedy when he felt her back pocket, "ding ding ding" Chris laughed as he pulled out her purse and stuffed it in his own pocket. "Let's go" Chris grabbed her moms arm and lead her to the door, "but what about my baby?" Her mom cried out. "Fuck her" he snapped as he pushed her out of the door and they vanished from plain sight.

The team were all in the bullpen apart from Abbie and Kevin, the only reason Kevin wasn't there was because of his case but Abbie didn't have a reason to be a no show. "Where's Miller?" Hank said in an annoyed yet confused tone. Jay shook his head, "I don't know" he replied. "Try her cell" hank suggested while walking away into his office. Jay pulled out his phone and rang her number, voicemail. He tried again over and over but it kept going straight to voicemail. "Hey sarge she's not picking up" jay shouted from his desk. Hank walked out with a confused look, "did she tell anyone she was going anywhere this morning?" Hank said to them all in general. They all shook their heads and hank grew concerned, "ping her phone" he said to Rojas over in the corner.

They all gathered around her desk and Waite for the location, "99th street, number 34" Rojas said while looking up to them all. "Jump on it" hank said to hailey and jay. They partners ran downstairs and out into their cars, they arrived at the house and funnily enough there was abbies car parked right outside. "Her badge and guns on the floor" hailey said while looking through the car window. Jay nodded and they slowly walked up to the front door and stopped outside. Jay was about to kick down the door but hailey spoke out, "blood" she said while looking to the patio floor. They drew their guns and got ready, "Chicago PD!" Jay shouted as he kicked down the door, the door flung open and there was Abbie, laying on the floor.

"Abbie..." jay said as he put away his gun and crouched down to the floor, "you got her?" Hailey said as she walked away to clear the house. "Yeah I got her" jay said as he picked her up and carried her outside onto the grass, "clear" hailey said as she ran over to jay to help. Jay was checking her over for injuries but all he could see was the blood on her head and nose, "Abbie" jay said repeatedly. Hailey called an ambulance while jay gently shook her. After a few small nudges she finally came back around, "ughhh" Abbie groaned as she sat up. Jay grabbed her arm and hailey checked her head, "you good? You okay?" Jay said frantically while her eyesight came back around. She narrowed her eyes until she could finally see jay and hailey sat in front of her, she smiled and nodded, "yeah I'm good, god..." she said while clutching her head.

The ambulance showed up just in time and jay helped Abbie up, hailey grabbed her other side and they helped her over to the ambulance. They sat her down on the gurney that Brett and Mackey had just pulled out, "can you hear me okay?" Brett said while shining a torch into her eyes. Abbie squinted at the bright lights, "yeah I hear you" she confirmed. Brett nodded and checked her head then nose, "you don't need stitches, just a bandage" she said while handing Abbie a thick cotton pad for her nose. "What about a concussion?" Jay said worriedly. Abbie smiled at the partners, "no she's good, just bloody" Brett smiled at Abbie. She cleaned up the cut and put a bandage on her head, by now her nose had stopped bleeding so she threw away the cotton pads.

The ambulance left jay and hailey with Abbie, the trio went back into the house to clear a few things up. "What the hell happened?" Jay said in worry. Abbie shook her head carefully, "my mom text me saying she needed help so I came here and then Chris clocked me over the head" she said in confusion. She groaned as she patted her back pockets, "he took my purse" she sighed. Jay and hailey looked worried by Abbie was calm, "it's fine I have a fake card in my purse, my real cards in the back of my phone case and I don't carry cash so there'd have probably only been a few dollar bills in it" she cleared up the confusion. The partners still looked at her in confusion, "something like this has happened a few times before so I learned to hide my real card" she sighed. Jay and hailey looked at each other in worry but they took Abbie back to the district, a patrol officer or someone would get her car and take it back to the station for her.

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