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Abbie woke up the next morning feeling refreshed, she had today to sort herself out before she made the deal go down tomorrow. "See you later" she shouted at Tyler as he walked out of the door to go to school, he waved back and left. She done nothing all day other than watch tv, when Tyler got back from school they played video games tomorrow. At about 6pm she got a text from jay.
Jay: "hey, nothing new. You all set for tomorrow?"
Abbie: "hey, that's good and yeah I'm set"
Jay: "good good, text me if you need anything okay?"
Abbie: "I will do, thanks"
Jay: "see you soon"
Abbie: "you too"

The small interactions they had were sweet but simple, it was obvious they liked each other they were just afraid to admit it. At 11pm she headed off to bed ready for her days work tomorrow evening, she slept through most of the night but at around 2am she felt extra sleepy, not the good kind either. She felt like she wanted to wake up but she couldn't and her eyes were getting heavier and heavier, she stopped fighting and let herself drift off into a deep sleep that she couldn't control, everything was black.

"Search the house now" the man who Abbie had made the deal with shouted to his partner, they now knew his name was Alex. "Downstairs is clear" his partner shouted. Alex huffed and wandered up the stairs with his gas mask on, he peeped into every room until there was only two rooms left. "There's the brother, leave him we don't want him" Alex said to his partner. They both shut his door and opened up abbies, "eyes on the prize" Alex said as he walked over to Abbie who was sleeping. "You sure she's not gonna feel anything?" His partner said doubtfully. Alex huffed, "no, I've told you three times. The gas knocked them both out so she won't feel anything and the brother won't hear help me pick her up" Alex sighed in annoyance. His partner followed his orders and helped Alex sling her over his shoulder, "grab her phone" Alex said while walking out of her room with Abbie over his shoulder like a firefighter would carry their victims.

They threw her in the back of his van and took off their gas masks, "hurry up" Alex said while jumping in the drivers seat. The van sped off and left abbies house untouched with a knocked out Tyler still asleep inside.

Jay walked into the bullpen and sat down at his desk, he was about to start some paper work when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID to see Tyler across the screen.
Jay: "Tyler is everything okay?"
Tyler: "no, no it's not. Abbies gone and I don't feel to good..."
Jay: "hang on we're on our way"
Tyler: "hurry jay..."

Hank walked out into the bullpen after hearing his phone call, all of the unit were looking at jay in confusion. Even Kevin was back from his undercover case, "what's going on?" Hank said in worry. Jay stood up, "abbies missing, we gotta go" he said while grabbing his stuff and leading them out. Hank looked worried but they all made their way over to abbies house, jay hopped out of his car first and walked up to abbies door. He opened it and walked in to see Tyler sat on the couch with his head in his hands. The unit followed behind him, "Tyler, what's going on?" Jay said as he sat down next to him. Tyler shook his head, "I-I don't know, I can't remember, I can't even see straight..." he said which made them all worried. "Call an ambo" jay said to Adam. Jay looked around but he couldn't see anything missing, "do you have cameras?" He thought of the idea. Tyler nodded, "yeah, the computers in abbies room" he said while rubbing his eyes. Jay and hank got up with hailey to go into abbies room, the rest of the unit stayed with Tyler and searched the house.

"Oh god, what's her password?" hailey said while knocking the computer on. Hank and jay shot each other thoughtful glances, "try her birthday" jay said with hope. Hailey typed in her birthday and luckily it worked, she logged onto the footage playback and fast forwarded to last night. She played it until she saw anything suspicious, the time stamp marked around 2:05am and some men walked into the living room with gas masks on. "Woah woah woah, why've they got masks on?" Jay said while leaning on the desk. Hank sighed, "get CFD down here now" he said to them both. The partners nodded and left to go call Kelly severide from firehouse 51.

"What we dealing with?" Kelly said as he walked into the house. Jay sadly smiled at him, "kidnapped detective, the suspects walked in wearing gas masks. Can you see what we're working with?" He said hopefully. Kelly nodded and scanned the air with his gas detector, the unit all stood watching him for a few seconds, "oxygen levels are lower than usual, that means there's another gas in here. Probably nitrous oxide, would've knocked them both straight out, they wouldn't have even heard a thing" he sighed. Jay shot hank a worried glare, "alright thanks Kelly" he said as severide left to go back to work. "We put a bolo out, get any evidence from the scene" hank said as he walked back upstairs to abbies room. They all nodded and got to work, they searched for prints or any evidence of who it may have been but they couldn't find anything other than the camera footage.

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