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Mahira would get one snickers every single Sunday during her visit to Khan Villa since that Maya incident. They don't talk about it, just pass some shy smiles and secret glances like always. They just don't talk at all.

Two years passed by, and to say a lot has happened would be an understatement. For starters, her older sister Mawra got married to Ameen's older brother, Ibrahim making them practically families now. It was totally unexpected for both of them, they were happy for their siblings anyway. But what freaked them out was, how will their parents react to their relationship. Whatever it was.

They didn't talk it out, they never did, but the fear was clearly visible in both of their eyes. Mahira wondered how long will this go, the phase of no talks and only secret glances. Because, damn she wanted some freaking progress.

By now, she knew Ameen felt the same way as well. His actions spoke louder than words, and that was the only thing that kept her sane for the past two years.

She glanced at her phone and sighed exasperatedly seeing no wishes from Alizah, or anyone else. Nor did her family wish her. It was her freaking eighteenth birthday that day. She was in an awful mood and seeing her married sister getting all the attention even on her special day made her lose cool, yes she was jealous and childish. But it wasn't in her control that day.

Mahira walked downstairs to the dining table angrily as their parents were advising Mawra regarding some marriage-related stuff. Her sister has been staying at their place for probably a week now. She couldn't care less. All she wanted was some love and wishes on her birthday, but people were too busy to care it seems.

"Ammi. I will be coming home late today." She told hurriedly whilst grabbing an apple from the dining table and started eating it,

"Why?" Mahira almost rolled her eyes at that question, but stopped in between with a fuming look on her face, "did anyone remember what day is today?" Her family passed each other confused glances, making her angrier if anything.

"Thought so." her voice was filled with hurt.

"For your kind information, today is my eighteenth birthday, but no one remembers anything about me anyway. It's always Mawra this or Mawra that." Mahira glared at her sister, whose face widened at her accusation.

"Why don't you go back to your home and leave us all alone?" Mahira snapped making everyone gasp in horror, "Mahi!" her parents' stern voice shuts her up as she threw the apple in the dustbin and walked out of there before yelling, "I'll be celebrating my birthday with a friend. Unlike you guys, someone remembers and cares."

It was all lies. There was no friend. And definitely no celebrations. But she wanted to be away from her home that day, and the only way to stop her parents from worrying was that lie and so she lied.

Thinking of friends, she is planning to murder Alizah today. How dare she forget her birthday? Mahira frowned annoyedly as she got into the bus and sat in her usual place.

Her awful mood turned worse when Alizah was absent that day, so were her other friends.

The evening arrived late and finally, it was time to go home. There was a saying that when you wait for something so eagerly then the time flies slower and that was her case too. With a sigh, she slid her school bag and walked in the corridors, heading to the park.

She was just in the entrance of the park and was caught off guard when a hand came from behind and muffled her mouth, leaving no chance for her to scream.

"What the-

Her eyes went wide when all her friends stood behind her with a goofy grin on their faces.

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