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As Vienna turned around the corner she walked into someone, causing her to stumble and almost fall if it hadn't been for the outreached hands on her shoulders. She looked up as she finally steadied herself, and found the familiar blonde boy from earlier staring at her with a large smile on his face.

"Oh. It's you again," she said as she stepped away from him.

"You can't seem to stay away from me can you," he joked as she rolled her eyes at him, a smile threatening to creep up on her face. She gestured towards the suitcase she was holding in her right hand.

"Don't flatter yourself pretty boy. I'm trying to find my dorm." She stepped around him and continued to walk down the hallway, her eyes skimming over the various door numbers.

"Wait," he spoke up as he rushed from behind to catch up with her. "You're a specialist?"

"What gave it away? The fact I'm moving into the Specialist Hall or the fact I'm carrying a sword on my back."

His eyes travelled from her face to above her shoulder where the hilt of her sword was sticking out. "Damn. I really thought you were a fairy." Vienna turned towards him with an amused smile. Technically, she was a fairy, but he didn't need to know that.

"Oh. This is me," she revealed as she stopped in front of a large oak door.

"You know, I still don't know what your name is." he stated as he leaned against the opposite wall, his arms crossed in front of him.

"Fine, I guess i'll tell you," she responded with a fake sigh. "It's Vie."

"Vie?" he questioned as Vienna opened the door to her dorm. A flash of red caused her to duck quickly, and she turned around in time to watch a brightly coloured pillow smack Sky in the face. She burst out laughing as a look of shock formed on his face, and she quickly leaned down to grab the pillow before moving back into the room.

"Catch ya later Sky."


She shut the door with a laugh, before turning around to locate the culprit. A petite, curly haired girl stood on the other side of the room, her hands clasped over her mouth, her eyes wide.

The girl standing next to Vienna by the doorway burst into laughter, her hands on her knees as she hunched over.

"I am so sorry," the girl apologised as she approached the raven-haired girl with a hand outstretched. "I'm Natia."

"Oh she's definitely not sorry," the other girl revealed as she composed herself and straightened her posture. "She'll be throwing a pillow at your head in an hour. I'm Bekah by the way, but I prefer to go by Bex." As Vienna went to shake the girl's hand, Bex threw her arms around the girl instead and brought her in for a hug. Vie awkwardly patted the shorter girl on the back, not having expected such a warm welcome.

"I'm Vie by the way," Vienna finally introduced with a smile as she pulled away. Her eyes scanned around the small common area as she took a couple steps forward. "Are we waiting for anyone else or am I the last one in?"

"Oh yeah, the other girl came in around half an hour ago. I think her name is Adrianne? She disappeared into her room as soon as she got here and then left pretty soon after. Something about going to the gym."

"Now that's dedication," Vienna mused as she looked between the two doors on either side of the room. "Which one is my room?"

"Yours is to the right. Natia and I are to the left."
"Oo. I get the mysterious roommate. Lucky me." Vie walked into her shared bedroom with Bex right behind, her eyes instantly moving towards the empty bed pressed up against the large window opposite the door. She placed her suitcase and sword on the mattress before moving closer to the window, and realised she could still see clusters of students milling around in the front courtyard of the school.

"Oh wow you get a great view," Bex admired from behind her. "We just get trees."

"That just means you can sneak out," Vie said with a laugh as she turned back around. As she continued to look around the room, her eyes fell on the variety of daggers laying across her roommate's bed, ranging in various shapes and sizes.

"I have no idea what this girl is like, but I definitely vibe with her."


The pillow smack is absolutely sending me

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The pillow smack is absolutely sending me

Also I'm doing some ✨self promo✨ but I recently posted a sky edit on Instagram ( @ voidbrekker) if anyone wants to check that out.

A x

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