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A hint of a sad smile played on Sky's lips as he looked down at the sleeping girl in his bed. He gently brushed away the strands of hair that had fallen over her face, frowning at the sight of the dried tears on her cheeks. He was unable to forget the heartbreaking cries she had let out as the Solarians had arrested her father just hours earlier.

Sky had the opposite problem to the poor girl. While Vienna had to experience her father, her only parent, being taken away from her, he had been surprised with his own father coming back, someone who had turned out to not be dead the whole time.

He sighed as he sat on the edge of the bed, his face buried in his hands. How had so much gone so wrong in just two days?

He was brought out of his thoughts when a small whimper caught his attention. He turned his head towards the girl, his brows furrowing as he registered the uneasy look on Vienna's face.

"Please don't go," she murmured, her face contorting into one of pain, a lone tear falling from one eye.

"Vienna," the boy called out, grabbing the girl by the shoulders and gently shaking her. "Vienna, wake up."

The girl showed no signs of waking up, and instead, her cries only got louder.

"Vienna," he called out again, this time his voice raised a little louder. "It's just a dream, wake up."

Vienna gasped as her eyes flew open, a look of panic settling on her features as her eyes darted around the room.

"I'm here, it's okay," he coaxed, his hand moving to gently hold her face. She seemed to relax slightly as her eyes found him, but only a little.

"I thought they took you too," she whispered softly, her eyes welling up with tears.

"I'm not gonna leave you," he reassured with a gentle nod, his thumb moving across her cheek. "I'm right here."

Vienna nodded in response, sniffling slightly as she hastily brushed away her tears. The boy watched as she shuffled to the edge of the bed.

"Come on," she murmured, patting the space with her hand. "Get into the bed."

"Woahh,' the boy joked with a small smile. "At least take me to dinner first, Miss Silva." His heart fluttered slightly as a small smile made its way onto her face. It didn't quite reach her eyes, but it was a start.

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