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Today was the day that a new transfer student was coming and the student was confirmed to be male. But he was a different class from you, so you weren't able to see him till lunch.

"Hey, []! I heard the new student was a spirit medium! Wanna check him out?" asked Yumehara, poking your shoulder.

You smile at her and nod at her, blushing. She smiles at you and pulls you out of the classroom, to a small crowd. You stop in your tracks, making Yumehara trip a bit. "Hey, why'd you stop?" she asked.

You stared at the crowd upon you and pointed at it. Yumehara raises her eyebrows. "Oh! You're afraid of crowds! Don't worry, let's wait till it clears up a bit," she exclaimed.

You smile at her, feeling lucky to have her as a friend. "Th- Thank you," you thanked, stuttering a bit. Yumehara blushes and smiles at you.

The crowd cleared up shortly after thirteen minutes. You and Yumehara already lost interest in the new student. The purple haired male looked around, trying to find people who was interested in their spirit guardian, and he spotted the both of you.

"Uh- you two! Do you want to know your spirit guardian?" he asked.

You blinked at him and slowly shook your head, blushing. Yumehara just straight up replied with a simple, "No." The purple haired male sweatdropped and nodded his head awkwardly.

"U-uhm.. don't y-you think th-that was a bi-bit too straight- straight forward, Yumehara?" you whisper in Yumehara's ear. Yumehara blinks her eyes at you and shakes her head.

"You gotta be firm and sure with your answer! Plus, the transfer student just seems like a creep," Yumehara says, mumbling the last part.

You chuckle and sweatdrop. Yumehara is really straight froward, huh? "Oh, hey, Master!" the transfer student yells. You turn your head and see Saiki.

Saiki looked very, very furious as he approached the purple haired transfer student. "Come with me," Saiki says. The purple creep had this confused look as he followed Saiki into the bathroom.

"I wonder what that's about," Yumehara murmurs. You shrug your shoulders and sigh. "Why the sigh, []?" Yumehara asks.

You shake your head and whisper, "It's nothing. I'm just exhausted." Yumehara smiles at you, assuring you that you'll be a-okay. "How about I buy you a coffee after school? How does that sound?" She asks.

You return the smile and nod your head.

Sorry for the short chapter, please read the following below, it's important :

Before I end this chapter, I want to adress something :

This ASMRtist, Jisu Sentiment, is going throught a really hard time right now and needs help.
I reccommend watching his video, it's only around twelve minutes. You need to watch it until the end, it's really important. But here's a summary of the situation :

A ex-friend of his, whom he trusted, is suing him for things he didn't do, which includes : Pr-stitution

He is also struggling with s-icide.

But the worst part is that he has no family or friends over there that are going to help him.

This is his gofundme, donate if you can :

It won't up too much of your time, so please go help him!!

𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 - Saiki K. various x Male!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now