Chapter Two

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I told myself, after my first few hours on Earth, I would petition to the overlords to make it a requirement for those within the Cosmic Government to visit the "old and ancient" planet

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I told myself, after my first few hours on Earth, I would petition to the overlords to make it a requirement for those within the Cosmic Government to visit the "old and ancient" planet. There was something about it, so captivating. I felt it in within my body the moment my feet first stepped onto its hard soil.

Earth can humble you. Make you value every part of your life.

And yet, the thought of bringing others here with me to sight-see and enjoy the surroundings vanished the second I lay eyes on her.

Luz was the first human to approach me when I first appeared through my dimension portal. She didn't need to, but I suppose a man staring blankly at a large science fiction movie poster wasn't alarming, but curious. While she assumed as I was a fan, I was simply hiding my horror.

How wrong were humans to believe "aliens" were so grotesque. The animals could be, but people? Like me? I always thought I was handsome.

And I think she thought so, too. There was a look in her eye. A need for conversation pulling at her smile.

That's why I talked to her that day under the burning sun. And made sure I could communicate by acquiring a cell phone to save her number. To text her. Call her. Become acquainted with the human that took my breath away.

But looking at her through the outside of Larry's Diner, standing in the pouring rain, I find I can't walk inside. She's found a table near the far wall. A server has approached her, taking her order, only to return to her table with coffee. As water runs down my face, my hair sticks to my forehead, I just watch her drink. And scroll through her phone.

I smile as my phone buzzes in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see her name as a notification at the top of the screen. With my thumb, I push it open. Her text has more emojis than words, and I can't help but laugh.

"Are you late again?" her message reads, followed by umbrellas, rain clouds, and upset faces. The very last emoji is a double heart, bright pink. Just like the sweater she wears.

Looking back at the diner, I watch the server return to the kitchen area. Two people to the right of the door stand to leave their table. When they exit, pushing the door open, they look at me, wide-eyed. I can't argue with them. I can only imagine how horrible I look.

Soaking wet, like a sad dog in the straight. Truthfully, I don't care what they think of me. I am only here to see one person.

My hand reaches for the diner door.

And a chirp goes off in my ear. "Franklin Cog—"

I freeze. No. Not now.

"—You have an incoming communications request from—"

I thought I would have more time. Normally, a request for a new clockwork piece took hours. Not minutes...

Inching away from the door, I let my eyes settle on Luz within the diner as she continues to scroll through her phone, sipping her coffee.

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