Chapter 7

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Malek crouched down beside Sabine in the alley and studied her profile. Part of him was surprised he'd been able to convince her to allow him to accompany her. Everything about her was fascinating. Each time he got a glimpse of one of her pointed ears hidden underneath her hair, he wanted to trace its graceful slope with his finger. She smelled incredible too, like the forest and moonlight.

His reaction to kissing her had also surprised him. He'd been ready to forego years of tutelage and preparation within seconds of having his hands on her. Releasing her had been more difficult than he'd expected.

She glanced over at him with cheeks that were still slightly flushed. With her silvery hair loose around her face and sparkling lavender eyes, he couldn't help but stare. She was exquisite. Unfortunately, judging by Dax's earlier reaction, the guild leader also thought so. He was getting some mixed information about their relationship though. She didn't appear quite as enamored with Dax.

"It's the building up ahead on the right," he said, slipping into the language of the Fae. It had set her off guard before, and part of him wanted to see how she'd respond again.

"Which floor does he live on?" she asked in the same tongue, leaning forward to get a better look.

He paused in surprise, her pronunciation making her normally sultry voice even more captivating. At the very least, one of her parents was Fae. Her inflection with those two words was completely natural. She turned to look at him, a small frown on her face.

He cleared his throat, trying to focus again on her question. Having her so close made it difficult to form any coherent thoughts. "His living quarters take up the entire top floor."

She nodded. "I don't see any other guards other than the ones we already passed. Dax probably hasn't moved his people into position yet. We'll need to hurry before that happens."

"Right." Malek moved forward and away from her, even though all he wanted to do was get her alone. If he had his way, he'd take her back to his ship and spend the next several hours getting lost in her, breathing in her scent and exploring her delectable body. The Fae's ability to charm and seduce was legendary, but he hadn't believed the talent would be so potent in anyone with a shared heritage.

He walked up the steps toward Terrance's building and led Sabine inside. There were three floors in this building, and it overlooked the ocean. The area was a bit run-down compared to the more affluent areas of the city, but the view was spectacular. Malek gripped the rickety banister and started climbing the stairs. Sabine's footsteps behind him were completely silent, so much so that he kept checking to make sure she was following him.

They'd closed the door to Terrance's apartment when they left earlier, but Javyn hadn't bothered to lock it. Malek opened it to find nothing had changed. The apartment was still in shambles, making it obvious the entire living quarters had been thoroughly searched. Sabine moved into the room and swept her gaze over the furnishings. Books and cushions had been tossed around, and papers littered the floor. Her frown deepened, and he followed her into the room, curious to learn what she'd hoped to find.

Sabine trailed her fingers over a table, her tactile exploration making him wonder what it would be like to have her hands on him. He'd noticed she'd done the same thing when she'd been in his room earlier. It was an endearing quality, but it might be more than that. Some magic users could read energies through touch. If that was one of Sabine's talents, it could be extraordinarily useful depending on how powerful it was.

She crossed the room, stopping at a small bar area. He turned to see what had caught her attention, but it was simply a bottle of a very expensive dwarven ale. Sabine picked it up and studied the hand-drawn label.

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