Chapter 17

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Sabine leaned heavily against the railing, watching the city grow smaller as the ship moved deeper into the ocean waters. Most of the buildings around the docks were still on fire, and she stared at the flames rising over the rooftops as Akros continued to burn. It would take years for the city to recover.

Humans were resilient, far more than many of the other magical races. It would take time, but they'd eventually manage to rebuild. Before she'd ever come to Akros, she wouldn't have believed such a thing was possible. Her experiences here had taught her the magic contained within the human spirit couldn't be destroyed. It would survive and one day, thrive again.

Blossom landed on her shoulder, her weight a comforting presence. "Do you think you'll ever go back to the city?"

"I don't know," Sabine admitted, somewhat surprised by her mixed feelings. She'd lived in Akros for more than ten years. It had been difficult living amongst the humans at times, but she'd miss parts of it. "I'm not sure when it'll be safe to return or even if it's a good idea. I know Edvar and Talia will look after the children for me. Dax can handle himself and his people too."

"Esme's going to miss her shop, but she wants to learn more about your magic," Blossom said quietly. "Are you angry with her for working with Balkin against your wishes?"

Sabine sighed, more weary than anything. "No. I'm not angry with Dax or Bane either. If you hadn't warned me years ago about the agreement they made with Balkin, I'm not sure I would have been able to forgive them. I expected something like what happened, but I wish there had been another way. I didn't want them to leave their homes or lives."

Blossom giggled. "Balkin thinks all pixies are spies."

Sabine's mouth curved in a hint of a smile. "You are, but you're my spies—and you're the best spymaster I could ask for."

The pixie patted her cheek affectionately. "I'm sorry I couldn't warn you about your brother sooner. The other pixies tried to get here with the news as fast as they could. Barley and my sisters are escorting them back to your father's court. They can watch Balkin too, if you want."

She nodded, recalling Blossom's cryptic warning in the tavern basement. The pixie hadn't been able to speak freely in front of everyone, but Sabine had understood her message. "Keep an eye on Balkin in case anyone becomes suspicious of him, but my father and brother need to be the primary focus. We also need to start determining which families have split loyalties and may consider supporting me against my father and brother. Can you get a message to your family while we're on the ship?"

"It's harder to access the in-between, but I can do it."

"I'll see about getting a few plants for you at the first place we dock," Sabine promised, making a mental list of everything else they'd need. Money was going to be something of a problem, but they'd figure something out. Malek still wanted her help to locate the artifacts, so they could probably come to an agreement between them.

Sabine shivered. It was a warm night, but the absence of her magic would continue to keep her chilled for a while longer. The chalice shielded the tiny embers of her magic, but it wouldn't last. It couldn't do anything about the chill inside her either.

"The demon comes," Blossom whispered and buried herself in Sabine's hair.

A heavy blanket was placed over her shoulders, and she glanced up at Bane before focusing again on the city. Bane sighed. "I won't apologize for my hand in what happened, but I am sorry it hurt you."

"I didn't expect you would," she admitted, wrapping the blanket tighter around her. It helped alleviate the worst of the chill. "But if you ever follow Balkin's orders again instead of mine, I will see our pact at an end." She lifted her gaze to regard him, needing him to understand she wouldn't tolerate another betrayal. She placed her hand over the mark on his wrist. "You're mine, Bane. I don't want to lose you, but I need to be able to trust you."

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