𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞: 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞

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Sunday was spent making the Polyjuice Potion in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. Harry's bones had regrown that morning and he reunited with your group after.

He proceeded to tell all of you about Colin being petrified, but you already heard this from Hermione and Ron, so you weren't that surprised. Then, he mentions Dobby and how he visited him last night, giving him vague information about the Chamber of Secrets.

It was all theories from there. Ron insisted that it was Lucius Malfoy who opened the Chamber again. Hermione said that there was a possibility the monster is able to disguise itself to appear invisible. Which was quite horrifying to think about.

Fear was beginning to fester inside you. It was terrifying to think that it only targeted Muggle-borns. For all you knew, you could be the next unlucky student to be petrified. Although you felt selfish for thinking this, you were glad that you wouldn't be staying in Hogwarts for the holidays. You can't imagine relaxing with a monster on the loose.

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As expected, the news of Colin Creevey's petrification had spread through the entire school by Monday. Students were being skeptical and the air was thick with rumors and tension. The first-years were now going around the castle in groups, but you've been noticing that Ginny was keeping her distance.

You walk with her whenever you could and reassured her plenty of times that the monster wouldn't want to petrify her because of her blood status. This made her even more distraught over the situation.

"But you're not Pure-blood," she said, paling slightly. "What if it attacks you? I wouldn't be able to do anything about it..."

You try to comfort her again, but at that moment Fred and George had suddenly jumped out from behind a suit of armor in the corridor. Their faces were covered in fur as they snarled, and it scared you so much that you almost grabbed Ginny and ran away. She just flinched, face growing more pale by the unexpected fright.

You recover a moment later and glared at them. "That was brilliant of you two," you said, voice dripping with sarcasm. You were still not over your anger at the twins. "The best prank you've ever done. I'm shaking with laughter."

You heard from Ginny before dinner that throughout the whole day they kept scaring her at random intervals until Percy had to intervene. He threatened that he would write to Mrs. Weasley and this was enough to stop the twins from 'cheering up' Ginny again. You avoided Fred and George more often after that.

Talismans and other protective amulets were the bestsellers these days. The trades were going on under the watchful eyes of the teachers and you were honestly impressed that this hidden business had flourished among the students so quickly.

Neville had offered you a warding amulet. It was a foul-smelling green onion, almost identical to his own, except that his was larger. You didn't have the heart to refuse it since he looked worried for you. Your bag smelled really bad for the next few days, but at least Neville was happy to know that you were using it.

"Of course I feel safe," you said when he asked if it was working. "You gave this to me after all, so the fact that you care for me made it stronger."

Neville can't seem to look you in the eye after that. He flashed you a quick smile before running away with a red face. Sometimes he confuses you, but then you remember that he was shy with everyone, so you never thought much of it. Seamus used to do that last year, but he was more comfortable around you this time. You found their similarities a little funny.

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