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Elanoras POV:

I wake up in someone's grasp,I immediately flinch over there touch.

"It's just me ladybug"Lucas says groggily.
He gets in a sitting position staring at me with concern in his eyes.

I look around and see we're still in the movie theater.I told them my worst demon .
I hope they don't feel disgusted by me because I already do,I don't need them to be disgusted of me .I don't think my heart can take that.My hearts wounds are to big.

"Where are they Lucas"I ask nervously looking down ashamed.Lucas puts his fingers under my chin making me look at his foresty green eyes .

"Matheo and your dad went to the warehouse umm—
He says turning away from my eyes.

"What,Why Lucas"I ask getting impatient

"Someone put a bounty on your head ,there trying to find out who it is"he says looking at my honey colored eyes that are now filled with pure raw anger.I suddenly get up ,my eyes shining with madness and my mind pissed.Why wouldn't they tell me someone's after my god dam head.

"Take me to them Lucas right now"I seethe with pure raw anger swirling in my honey colored eyes.He instantly gets up and leads me to the garage.But before we can even make it to the other side guards from all directions come towards me.

"Your dads gonna kill me you know"Lucas mutters nervously looking at the guard's .

"What the fuck is going on"I say with anger towards the fuckers who have caught me in a bad mood.Shit now I feel bad.

"Shit sorry guys but what's this"I say motioning my hand back and forth between us.

"Mam you are not to leave the house"says a random guard.

"Says who" I ask through gritted teeth.

"The capo"another guard

"I don't care open this god damn door or I will   beat your ass right now",i say through gritted teeth.

"We can't mam"says a guard.

"Fine I will and if any of you come near 3 feet from me I will make sure you won't see another day ",I say turning around to look at them directly in the eyes.Once I saw fear swirl around there eyes I smirk.

"Let's go Lucas and by the way guys I wouldn't hurt you guys but don't fuck with me today I'm in a very bad mood", I say sternly to all them.

I get in the black BMW with Lucas on the passenger seat.I start the engine and make my way towards the warehouse.Were on the highway when some stupid bitch decides to almost crash me .I honk at there stupidity.


" VETE ALA MIERDA HIJO DE PUTA"(fuck off you son of a bitch),I say through gritted teeth.Fuck the inner Spanish of me is coming out good thing it's not the Russian of me.

"Elanora breathe"Lucas mutters beside me .Breathe in and out .I breathe in and out as my grip on the steering wheel loosens.

"Thanks sorry I'm just nervous"I say getting closer to the warehouse.

"They want to protect you ladybug not hurt you they love you"he says glancing at me .

"Your right fuck I'm just stressed I haven't had a god dam bounty since fucken Maurizio"I say looking back at his green eyes.

"I know just don't let your anger control you"he says while grabbing my hand and squeezing it.

"Okay thanks were here"i say parking outside the warehouse which are filled with different cars.I see different guards pull there guns out .I then notice no familiar guard.Fuck .

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