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Elanoras POV:
It's been a two weeks since my birthday,it's Friday today .Epifiano is usually at my house or I am at his.Hes been very touchy lately.Which is annoying because we literally have sex multiple times,and plus he leaves me sore as fuck.Im always limping I have to take a bath every time.But it's worth it because let me tell you that man is amazing in bed.All the people I've been before were great no actually awesome in bed .Its only four people actually but they were all good ,but I think the best has to be between Maurizio
,Epifiano,Emmanuel,Nikolai.Well actually I can't pick they were all great.But they all had there qualities.For example Emmanuel was gentle and loving which I loved ,Nikolai was gentle yet rough,Maurizio was rough and hard on me which I loved ,And Epifiano is rough and sweet which I love.

Suddenly Maurizio who for some reason I still have in my heart ,a small part of me still loves him but that same part of me hates him.I had a part of him inside me but I was to late to notice,I needed closure from him but he left before I can even get to him.He was my everything but now Epifiano is my everything,he's showed me how to love .I love that man so much.

I'm currently getting ready for school.Its been complicated to say the least ,Marina and Katya always find a way to piss me off.But I try very hard not to connect my fist to there face and Lorenzo he doesn't even spare me a glance ,i became a ghost to them.But like I said people always seem to judge before knowing anything.

Im anxious and excited today papa told me that he had set up a meeting with Samuel Cortez,aka my fucking worst nightmare ,my rapist.We made a plan , the plan was to set a meeting with him in a nice restaurant specifically our restaurant,then put GHP in his drink.We would make sure his guards drink as well ,GHP is a drug that makes people fall asleep more easily,it's called a "date rape"drug because disgusting people put these in drinks secretly then rape the person.This drug means you can't fight back or defend yourself against someone .In the case I will kill someone who damaged me .I just want people to know that it's never safe out there , always be careful is what I say.

I grab my bag and exit my bedroom heading to the kitchen for breakfast.But before I see a maid come in the kitchen with what seems to be roses.Wait a minute those are my favorite flowers,no he didn't.

"Mam theses flowers are for you"Rosa says leaving me speechless holding my favorite flowers ,black baccara roses .

Flashback of her and Epifiano:"Baby What's your favorite flower"Epifiano asks"Black baccara roses why"I ask looking behind me in the shower

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Flashback of her and Epifiano:
"Baby What's your favorite flower"Epifiano asks
"Black baccara roses why"I ask looking behind me in the shower.He looked immensely handsome as water droplets fell from his face and hair .
"I want to give you a flower every day till I die"he says bringing me closer by gripping my waist.I see his eyes narrow at my boobs.I slap his shoulder.
"No we just did it ,absolutely not"I say sternly back to him.
"But everyday for the rest of my life Elanora I will give you a flower showing you how much I love you"he says genuinely making me blush a crimson red.
"Thank you but you don't have to as long as I have your presence near me I'm happy your making me the happiest woman alive"I say genuinely happy
"So what flower is it gonna be my lady"he says in a fake british accent,making me boom in laughter.
"Black baccara roses or lilac roses if there isn't black baccara roses"I say grinning ear to ear.
I see his hazel eyes beem with happiness and excitement.Mine beem with love and excitement.We we're each other's calm in the caos.This man was stealing my heart faster than I thought it's scary to think he can leave me to.
End of flashback

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