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the following days passed by excruciatingly slowly, while you excitedly waited for saturday to come around sooner. finally the day the group was waiting for had arrived.

you stepped off the train, stepping onto the bustling platform with a big group of murmuring behind you, making you hurry up the stairs to the entrance of the station.

looking around and seeing the entrance approaching, making you release a sigh. who knew walking up stairs was so exhausting.

walking out of the entrance you were immediately bombarded with a crowd walking up and down the street.


once again you tried to look for the group you were meant to meet up with but the attempt failed, until your eyes landed on a certain hot pink girl standing higher than the crowd with her hands around her eyes like binoculars.

you smiled and pushed pass the crowd, muttering 'sorry' when accidentally hitting someone's shoulder. finally getting to the group you panted a bit before speaking. "hey- ow mina!"

she jumped down from her spot and clung onto you with a hug, her warmth kept the smile on your face, a faint smell of acid underneath the sweet perfume she was wearing.

"finally! can we go to the arcade now? they have air-con there." denki groaned on a nearby bench while fanning himself with his hand. sweat beads forming, running down his forehead and quickly wiping it off with the back of his hand.

"y/n! it's so great to finally meet you," kirishima shouted making some people turn their heads for a moment. you chuckled nervously at the elders that were staring at the interaction with looks of disgust.

"oh my gosh! you really do live up to the expectation of manliness" his appearance didn't surprise you since he posted many pictures of himself working out on his page and story, which did at times make you get secondhand embarrassment. you did an awkward run towards him and gave him a hug, to which he returned.

"ok let's go" sero said, currently trying to fan denki who seemed to have sweat a lot more. you quickly looked around to see the person you were ready to embarrass.

"wait! i have something to do. bakugou, as promised i will be doing the stanky leg." you smiled mischievously at him, placing your bag on the floor next to mina. he groaned and face palmed watching you get ready. you started to dance, gaining even more judgment from the elders next to you.

"get it y/n!" mina clapped, getting you all hyped up. bakugou cracked a knuckle and sighed, getting down into position and doing the same action you were. the remaining 4 stared in shock but decided to cheer for him too.

the two of you stopped. you laughed along with mina and kirishima, who were complementing how well you did as you explained how you were trying to perfect it during the week. you looked up to bakugou who was being made fun of by sero and denki. "i didn't think you would do it?"

"it would be embarrassing if you just did it..." bakugou said with a blank face. in actuality he was also practicing throughout the week to be prepared for that moment, so then you wouldn't look as dumb.

"well, nice to meet you bakugou" you smiled at him, sticking your hand out for a fist bump to which he lightly smacked your hand away and 'tched'. he grabbed your bag and threw it at you making you take a few steps back and wobbling a bit before carrying it properly.

"does this mean we can go now?" denki gasped, everyone nodded as he quickly sped off towards the arcade with the rest following behind him.

bright neon lights illuminated your face, games lighting up and showing small previews of the game repeating itself. loud music from each game overlapping each other.

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