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two days had passed since the encounter on saturday. bakugou was currently laying in bed at his usual early time, his phone on 'do not disturb' after realising that you would message him during the night ridiculing when he slept.

the boy admits that before he met you, he thought that you would be annoying and idiotic. after meeting you in person and watching you interact with everyone he concluded that his thought was right, you weren't as different over text.

of course there were slight differences, you weren't as loud in person. but he did notice that you moved your hands a lot when you move, he assumed since you couldn't use emojis that was your substitute. but those aspects made him slowly grow a soft spot for you, without him knowing.

bakugou's eyes finally closed as he tried to fall asleep. light background noise from his classmates laughing and the muffled noise of the tv eventually tuned out to a silence while drool started to spill from the corner of his mouth. his body went limp, looking a lot more peaceful than when he was awake, his mind wandering off to a dream.

scanning the familiar school corridors, he stood in front of the class 1-A door as it looked much more intimidating. he pushed the door opened and saw a crowd around his seat, everyone's back turned against him.

bakugou strode over seeing the happy faces of his classmates and pushing past them to be faced with a figure laying their legs on the desk, leaning back on the chair. he locked eyes with the figure, furrowing his eyebrows as the eyes he stared at sparkled a little.

"hey bakugou! didn't think you'd show up" the chair was now stable on the floor as you dropped your legs and crossed them. you waved at him as he looked in disgust at the way you thought you could sit there. "you don't mind if i take your seat right?"

"i do fucking mind, find another seat" his classmates seemed to have disappeared as he felt anger pent up inside him, watching you cross your legs and having a mischievous smile on your face. "nope"

this ticked him off as he grunted and looked around the room for a spare seat, he looked at the back of the room to see a worn down seat in the corner of the room next to todoroki, his eye twitched as approached the seat. the chair was blown into pieces.

the blond blinked and found himself in the school cafeteria, it was loud as per usual. he looked across him and saw you drinking from your water bottle. "i think they said they'd be late, so it's just us two today" your eyes weren't looking at him, instead you were eying the food he had yet to eat.

"can i have some?" you asked, plate was empty as you finished the meal earlier. he didn't respond but you took 'some' anyways - more like half of it. the food landed on your plate and took a bite. you placed a hand on your chin and swallowed the food and nodded, a bit of the food around your mouth. "definitely spicy, you should switch it up."

"you look stupid, cockroach. there's some food there" he pointed at himself to show where the food was and you cleaned the wrong side. he threw a napkin at you. "wrong side, fucking idiot" he watched you wiped the food off and placed the napkin onto the table and took another bite.

"thank you!" you mumbled, mouth full off food. a soft smile on your face while munching on the food, bakugou feeling slightly warm and his heart beating just a bit faster. what the fuck is happening to me? "shut up and finish eating before you speak, or you'll choke"

you swallowed the food and looked up at him with a change of mood. "ooo~ is someone blushing?" a smirk grew onto your face, closing the gap between and leaning onto your hand.

bakugou kept leaning back, hitting the seat as you kept leaning in. he pushed you away and you let out a loud laugh, clutching your stomach trying to breathe for air as his face got redder. his heart beat sped up, but dismissed it for feeling a bit sweaty. "it's ok if you have a crush on me, i mean how could you not?"

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