The Vines That Bind Us - Chapter 11

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A/N I'm not dead. Exams are coming. If I fail a deadline I'm dead. Don't worry, I'm still writing. 

The Vines That Bind Us - Chapter 11


The songs used in this chapter are "Mother Earth" by Karliene and "Kings & Queens" by Ava Max. I own neither and only used fragments in this work.


"Uncle! Stop the scary routine. It stopped being impressive after Claude fainted." Mari scolded her uncle.

"Gah! Take the old man's fun." Penguin grumbled with a wide smile on his face. "So, what brings you back to Gotham?"

"Well... you see uncle..." and so a very long (and slightly censored) tale began.

Say what you want about Oswald Cobblepot, but one had to admit that he took care of those he considered his family. Case in point, he was already planning an unfortunate 'accident' for that cursed class before Marigold, bless her soul, stopped him.

"Uncle, I don't need more problems! I now run the company they work for. Do you have any idea how much paperwork I would have to deal with if their bus conveniently fell into Gotham Bay?"

"But..." He tried to argue, only to wither under her glare. She was scary and sweet when she was six, she was terrifying when she was... somewhere between fifteen and seventeen. Penguin wasn't sure.

"No. I had enough problems with Cesaire pulling her stunt."

"Fine." He grumbled.

Chloe and Adrien watched half-amused and half-horrified as their best friend casually ordered Gotham's premier crime boss around.

"I was wondering though... Have you heard from my mom recently?" Marinette asked, losing about two-thirds of her confidence when she broached the dreaded subject. "I checked our old apartment, but a psycho with a hammer attacked me. Even still, it looked uninhabited for at least a year..."

"Ah... Ivy... Ya' know, now that I think of it she did ask me for a favor some three weeks ago. She wanted me to arrange a safe exit across the ocean. She had to meet someone in London."

"So... she is gone?" Marinette looked down.

"I'm not sure. She will probably return at some point, but she does like to travel and look for more... exotic plants. I could try to have her looked for."

"Thanks, uncle." She beamed. "You're the best!"

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" He wiggled his finger. "You know how it works."

"Fine. Is a new hat from an up-and-coming French fashion designer enough?" She offered.

"Tempting, Starling, but not today..."

"Two trays of my cookies?" She tried again.

"Actually, I have something specific in mind." Penguin smiled. "You see, my singer got sick yesterday and I need someone to fill in for her. And I still remember the concert you, Allegra, and Claude gave shortly before your leave. It's Friday night and people want a show"

"But... But we were kids! I can't just go out there and sing!"

"Of course you can Mari-bear!" Chloe became more active. "I'll be your second. Adrikins is brilliant with a piano. We can treat it like a karaoke."

Marigold looked at Adrien pleadingly, but he just shrugged. "I don't mind. It could be fun..."

"Three trays of cookies, a tophat, and a jacket with a tail?" She gave one last offer.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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