Part 2 - Kissing + Love Languages

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   -This dude is sweet ok. Give him kisses!

   -He laughs a lot after kisses, even ones initiated by him. They just get him giddy!!

   -Loves kissing you on the cheek! If you're just passing each other he's going to lean over, peck your cheek, and continue on his way. 

   -Showing affection is a HUGE love language. Hugs, cuddling, kisses, and depending on your height hcs, picking you up are a big part of how he expresses he loves you.

   -He also likes verbally expressing how much he loves you!


   -Doesn't initiate kisses often. He has nothing against them, they just slip his mind a lot.

   -Kissing him in public really flusters him. It's cute, but any smooches are probably best reserved for private.

   -100% is the type to kiss your hands though! He's definitely still gonna be flushed if it's in a public place. 

   -His biggest love language is making or commissioning things for you! He likes his gifts to be personal, hence making and commissioning over just buying.

   -Touch is also one of his love languages. He often doesn't care for touch from others, but happily will indulge in snuggling, hand holding, kissing, etc. with you.

   -Verbally saying "I love you" Isn't a big love language of his, but if it's yours, he absolutely will stutter out a flustered "I love you too"


   -She loves giving you kisses! Little pecks on the cheek, kissing your forehead, your nose, on the lips, she's gonna kiss you at any chance she gets. 

   -This especially applies to after she gets her body back in season 8.

   -Love language is acts of service! Helping you out and guiding you through things, as well as fighting at your side, are most common. 


   -Traditional kisses, of course, are harder to do. Instead, it's swapped out for other physical affection.

   -While you're able to kiss her cheek, and her bonking her snout against you isnt uncommon, she usually shows affection by leaning against your side, loosely coiling around you, or even just looming over you, similar to Pythor.

   -Her love language is through acts of service and physical affection. She loves your touch, and would do almost anything for you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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