Kissing (hcs)

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A/N: I love how you can see the ones me and admin Pythor simp for the most (lord garmadon and jay respectively) in the length alone. Also, art by Admin Pythor! - Mod Skales


-You're usually on his lap, with him caressing your hips, back, or shoulders

-Avoids kissing your lips- kisses your cheeks, forehead, and nose

-When you ask for a kiss on the lips he gets SUPER flustered

-Asks you for permission and makes extra sure it's okay before kissing your lips

-You get tired of him asking, so you just grab his face and give him a SOLID smooch

-This dude just DISINTEGRATES at this and cannot function for a few minutes, no matter how many times this has happened before

-His face is red for a good 15 minutes after, him being flustered is very obvious to everyone around him so everyone can tell when he's been kissed


-Honestly? He's probably pretty chill when it comes to casual kissing. Not super flustered or anything.

-But casual kissing? Not quite his favorite,,


-He likes it rough but would NEVER admit it

-If you bite his lip he will implode

-He loves when you run your fingers through his hair or even pull it when u smooch

-He has definitely passed out during one of your kissing sessions and will not hesitate to do it again


-His lips do be a lil chilly tho

-I feel like any kisses on the mouth are usually started by you!

-Not that he minds kisses though!! He likes them, they're just more of your love language.

-His love language is moreso making things like food for you, hugs, etc.

-He'll press little kisses to ur cheek tho!!



-In all seriousness he acts all tough and smooth, but he's probably too nervous to innitiate a kiss for a majority of the time unless you've been together for a while

-Man does the simp fingers but like internally

-Get him while hes stuttering over the idea of a kiss. Take the shot. Take it.

-He warms up to innitiating kisses pretty quickly, but even still, despite his attempted suave personality around you, he rlly gets flustered at the prospect of physically affection, esp PDA.


-She 100% first kisses you during a moment where the both of you are very excited.

-It's more of quickly mushing ur faces together messily than a proper kiss, but its definitely a start and leads to more

-Y'all like to exchange kisses between her hyperfocusing on building machines as well as you working on your hobbies!

-you also continue the tradition of kissing at exciting moments!

Lord/Sensei Garmadon

-Likes kissing your hands

-Are your knuckles scraped? Hands sore? Are they just holding them? He will kiss them

-Doesn't really like kissing in public, esp not anything further than kissing your hand, but otherwise he's too much of a simp to not go soft and mushy in private

-With Lord Garmadon, it's kinda hard to kiss him on the lips? His teeth are big and it takes a while to adjust to kissing with them


-He will dip you! He will that's a given! Or hold you! He will use his arms. He will.

-First proper kiss is likely initiated by them!

-It's in private, at a fairly calm time, and he kind of just? Goes in. Despite how gentle he is his teeth make it rlly awkward so it's short. But you both get used to it!

-Man simps a bit too hard to be all that evil around you ngl

-Season 9 and beyond, he grows more cold. He still has a soft spot for you though. It mostly comes out when the two of you are alone.


-It's clearly a little difficult to kiss him. Snake face, the teeth, all that.

-Solution? You kiss his cheek. He kind of just bonks his snout against you.

-Kiss his nose and he will get flustered. Do it. Kiss his nose.

-He doesn't give kisses often. Usually his affection is shown in brushing against your side, looming over you, etc. Mostly, his kisses are just him mimicking your own love language.

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