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"NATURAE ! ...WE ..We have to protect evilishia ." erigath came running towards naturae

" evilishia ? ..what happened brother ? ...evilishia is in marriage hall and you should get ready , we should go congratulate them "

"ravehika ! ...she  .. you know what evilishia did to her , months ago " erigath said 

" yeah ...i know ..."

" she want revenge...and she is asking for evilishia " erigath told naturae

" what ? .."

" we need to protect evilishia ...raveshika has army of witches and wizards with her ..."

" what ...?" naturae furrowed

" brother ... you have to distract raveshika anything , but don't let her know where evilishia is , and I ll take evilishia away , far from this place " erigath told naturae


" RAVESHIKA ! "  naturae shouted from above , in the air 

" where is she ?"raveshika asked

" what do you want from her? "

" revenge ., i want to kill her , so give her to me "

" I ll give you anything  , but not my beloved sister "

" your sister ... you are not even blood related , she is a devil and you found her on the streets .... that monster is not your sister "

"she is,.. raveshika ..blood does not matter when it comes to love "

" don't you know , that what raveshika did to someone , I LOVED ?"

"I am very sorry for that "

" sorry..? how can you even say so ?"

" you are a god ... you should bring JUSTICE , evilishia did bad , you can't side her "

"I know , but you can't just kill her "

" why can't I , if that is right thing to do after what she did to me"

" tell me , what should i do to compensate you , anything but not her "

" anything ...? then give me your immortal life  " 

" raveshika ? "

" can't? "

" this is against the rule of nature , god has to maintain these ..."

" then give me that bitch ! "

" Noo ! ...."

" don't play games with me ...tell me where is she or give me your immortal life?"

"raveshika.... I am a god ...before I am someone's brother ", he looked down" she ...... she at marriage hall of kausha  , today is her marriage"

" she is marrying ? ....after putting me in pain , she is marrying? " 

" Don't kill her kaveshika .... its not her fault that she do cruel things "

" SHUT UP ! ", " lets go to the marriage hall " kaveshika commanded every one 

kaveshika started flewing on her broom towards the marriage hall , followed by all her witches and wizards behind her .

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