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They believe that scars are a sign of weakness
They say you have this scar because you fell
And when you fell you felt the pain
They believe that falling is a sign of weakness
They say you fell because you were not strong enough
And that you could not hold on until the end
... But which end?

I will tell you what a scar is
A scar is a sign of bravery
Because you were brave enough to fall
And strong enough to stand up again
You did not hide the truth
You were not afraid... you were brave

And I will tell you what falling is
Falling can never be a sign of weakness
You fall as a result of their weakness; not yours
Because they were not wise enough to know
That they make your life harder
Which is so wrong and unfair

Please listen to me
You are not weak
They are
It is not because of you
It is because of what they have done to you
Life is not what they made you live through
Life is heaven on earth without their cruelty
Do not blame yourself
They were not brave enough to realize
But you were wise enough to overcome

- P.M. Boustany

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