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We are all Hurt

I have been hurt a lot
Hurt because I love
Hurt because I am human
Hurt because I love without conditions
Hurt because my heart never gave up
Hurt because my soul was soaring in the sky
Hurt because my mind didn't possess any negativity

I was hurt, I am hurt
And I will always be
Because they want to be the reason
Because they will never understand
Because they will never be human
Because I want to feel pain
Because I am proud of being sensitive
Because I want to be real

I know that I am not the only one
I know that you are hurt too
I know that we are all hurt
And that every human has a scar
I know that we all survived hurricanes
And I know that we are all recovering

But I also know that we all will
I know that we will win this battle
I know that we will win this life
I know that even if we will fall every time
We will always be stronger than them
We will always be a candle of hope
We will always be a definition of love
Of kindness
Of hope
And of humanity

- P.M. Boustany

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