Chapter:- 2

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Writer's POV

Avni was waiting for Kia at Let's eat cafe. It's past eight in the night. Their shift was over, so both girls decided to have some cappuccino before heading towards home. As Sophia and Rishabh had some urgency, they both left. 

A man approaches Avni when she was checking her mails.

"Hello." A unknown voice greeted Avni. She got startled as she was in her deep thoughts after reading some patients report in mails.

She look up from her mobile only to find a man in his mid-twenty, wearing soft glasses. He looked casual to talk with.

"He- Hey! What can I do for you." Avni asked in reminiscent.

"Actually, I am one of your patient. My name is karan. I am a journalist." He replied.

"Ohh... But am sorry, I couldn't remember you. Anything serious?" She worriedly ask.

"No no..I am absolutely fine but I am stalking you from last two months and wanna talk to you but something always happens and we couldn't meet." He replied in disappointment making Avni narrows her brows at his revelation.

"Why you had stalked me?" She gaped as she got little scared and tensed because now only she introduced himself as a journalist.

"Heyyy...see, I haven't done any illegal work." She explained hurriedly.

"Haha!!" Karan chuckled. "I am not up to you for something like this." He replied.

"Soooo---" Avni trailed off in perplexity.

"Amm.. actually I like you. I mean I love you. And wanna spend my whole life with you. Yeah!! I know it's very weird that I am saying all this stuff to you but I genuinely liked you since the day I saw you first time and it was like ,love at first sight for me." Karan replied in a single go. His voice was full of excitement. His confession left avni in astonishment.

She blinked quite of few times before answering, "See, I know it will hurt you but I am already committed. I respect your feelings but I am sorry." Avni didn't want him to get hurt because she knows what heart break means.

She never faced rejection but left empty by the person she loved with her everything.


On the other side, a private jet landed in Delhi. Neil Khanna graced his presence on the exit door of the plane. He descended the stairs silently. His walk was very silent like a tiger and his clam expression with the emotionless eyes shows how serious person he is in real life.

Not a talkative person, his eyes are enough to say everything but only two can read it.


"Hey if you wanna take time then please take. But don't say no. I know you like me because when on every Sunday from past 2 months I sended you gifts, you haven't returned it or even haven't thrown it." Now Karan sounds very excited.

"That person was you?" His sudden revelation startled Avni.

"Yeah and I know you love that person who sends you gift." He exclaimed.

"Who said this to you? I don't like it. I mean I haven't kept those gift. I donated that too NGO according to their requirements."

"You are lying. Baby, I know you love me." For Avni, now it's getting too much. He is not ready to believe what Avni is saying because he himself already cooked up a story in his mind where both the parties are in love with each other.

'Man, stop already. I am sone with you.'

"Hey listen!! Stop it and Please leave. I don't wanna talk to you anymore. And I already told you that I am committed to someone that means I am off limit for you but it seems like you are not getting it. Please leave right now, or else I have to call police." Avni answered in annoyance.

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