Chapter:- 55

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Writer's POV

"You see this...yes! This is your handprints, I stained them with red colour and parched them before starting my production house." Raivath says while pointing towards polaroid picture in the album as daughters are considered as Goddess Laxmi.

Avni grins in excitement as she coils her hands in her father's left hand leaning more on him. Slowly and steadily, their bonding is growing and getting strong. Not too fast, not too slow; both are redeeming their mistakes.

"Dadda, this is so tiny." She mumbles getting a soft pat on her left cheek from his left hand.

"You were just three. So tiny and soft. I still remember, you know, I gave you your name?" Avni nods her head in answer to Raivath's question.

"Yes. Mom told me when I was fifteen and asked her what I have of yours? She answered my name 'Avni'." Avni mumbles lowly earning a heartful chuckle of Raivath.

"Didn't she told you that why I named you 'Avni'?" Raivath asks turning his face towards his daughter, facing her fully.

Avni shakes her head in 'no', "Why?"

"My baba use to call my aai 'Avni'. I named you after my mother's name." Raivath says while witnessing the spark in Avni's brown eyes.

She realise something and murmurs, "Dhavani...Oh gosh! I never thought that way." She squeals in triumph making Raivath smile, "This is so beautiful to hear, isn't it?" She asks making her father nod.

"Very beautiful. You just look like your mother. Beautiful, opinionated, brave and strong; way too precious for me." He says with his heart filled with love.

"You still love mumma like you used to?"

"Yes. I love her, even more than before. She still have that spark that make me go on my knees infront for her." His eyes lits.

"Why didn't you ever told us anything, Dadda?" Avni asks in sadness, "We were seperated for whole twenty-three years."

"Bete, sometimes you have to suffer alone. I know, if Neela would've got to know about the problem I was in, even though I am the one responsible for falling into that problem, she would've been never left me to suffer alone but, Avni, I couldn't able to take risk on my family, on your lives. I was ready to take the hate coming from you people but putting you in radar of some mafia man; no. I know, I made everyone suffered because of me and I am sorry for that, princess. Just can you stop hating me now?" He asks vulnerably.

Avni gasps, "Dadda, please. I forgave you a very long time ago. I don't hate you. I am sorry if you feel like I still hate you, but I love you, dadda."

A smile graced his lips again, "This feels so new to hear it from my all grown up daughter."


"I love you...I still remember how you use to go grumpy when I would say 'I love you' to your mother, and you would imitate her words to me in jealously." Raivath snickers making Avni bite her lower lip and give him a cheeky smile.

Now when she is close to him, and look into his old eyes, she can see the pain they hold. The struggle he had. The pain he suffered.

"How are you so strong, dadda? Didn't felt ever exhausted of keeping everything above your happiness? Keeping us above your happiness?" Avni asks with pity and curiosity in her eyes. Her father is way more different from all of she thought. Strong-headed comes no. 1 on his characteristics list.

Raivath shakes his head and smiled, "You people are my happiness, and what would have I done if they would've took the woman I loved then? I love her like everything. Your mother turned me from a workaholic jerk to a family man. I still wonder, how much I would've turned into a maniac if they would've done something to her. You know, Avni, for your mother; her pride and dignity is above everything. She doesn't stand and beg for it from someone, she owns it and that's what I admire the most in her." He says with love in his eyes. Love for the woman which belongs to him.

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